Great website. Quite comforting to know I'm not the only one trying be with someone they truly love....didn't think it was possible to fall in love with someone on the Internet. Not that i had a problem dating women in the UK, on the contrary I have 3 lovely children from my stunning x wife. However she put put me of English girls for life!!! long story!!! but Wow yeah found my soul mate quite randomly on a huge religious organization website we both belong to which made me put 99.9% of my fears on Internet dating behind me...It's been 4 months now and plan to get married in June...I got quite a good job so we been talking on the phone almost everyday..feels like we known each other for years. Anyway I've been reading allot of post on here and it all sounds like a long old journey......but hey, for soul mate money is not an issue....
Thanks guys,