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Thread: What are you like with text/sms messages?

  1. #1
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    What are you like with text/sms messages?

    For those of you that send and receive text/sms messages, I just wondered how quick you reply to them and does it depend on who they are from or what it's about etc? Also do you get frustrated if they take a while to reply or don't reply and if you do, does it depend on who you are waiting to hear from?

    Some people seem to be quite different in this and what seems normal to one person, can be quite different to another which can cause the odd annoyance/frustration!

  2. #2
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    i only reply to people i like if i get a text (from those i like) i reply straight away.. for those i only like a little, well they can wait a day or two, for the people i dislike they can wait forever
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    i only reply to people i like if i get a text (from those i like) i reply straight away.. for those i only like a little, well they can wait a day or two, for the people i dislike they can wait forever
    Much the same for me, depends who it is and what it is about. If my Mahal, I reply right away, close friends the same.

  4. #4
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    Sms, Emails, IMs even phone calls replying is a minefield.

    I have learned dont create a rod for your back by replying to quickly otherwise its always expected..
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    According to "The Times" today 99 text messages were sent per month per mobile connection in the UK in 2008, compared to 36 in 2003. The Philippines is said to lead the world in the use of text messaging , according to "The Rough Guide to the Philippines".
    My only caution would be not to assume because you have sent a text message that it has been received by the intended recipient !

  6. #6
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    According to "The Times" today 99 text messages were sent per month per mobile connection in the UK in 2008, compared to 36 in 2003. The Philippines is said to lead the world in the use of text messaging , according to "The Rough Guide to the Philippines".
    My only caution would be not to assume because you have sent a text message that it has been received by the intended recipient !
    The only younger person I know that doesn't text AT ALL is a Filipino!

    As with always expecting that they have received the message, I guess that's also the same with emails and even old-fashioned letters. You automatically expect that they have received it and if you haven't heard, you can get disappointed or annoyed that they haven't replied, when they might not have received it at all! Sadly, this could have even ended relationships if the sender thinks that the recipient has not bothered to reply and is not interested anymore. I've had the odd problem before with text messages, emails and letters not being received by me or the recipient!

    The other problem with waiting to hear back from text messages, is do you just wait or say, "i hope that you got my message?". Of course they might never have got it, so maybe best not to just wait, but if they have then you could also annoy them if they think you are hassling them when they could have been busy/unable to reply! Or they could have just forgot! It's not easy sometimes!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    According to "The Times" today 99 text messages were sent per month per mobile connection in the UK in 2008, compared to 36 in 2003. The Philippines is said to lead the world in the use of text messaging , according to "The Rough Guide to the Philippines".
    My only caution would be not to assume because you have sent a text message that it has been received by the intended recipient !
    Wll read recepits give you a fair idea if the mobile device has received the sms but certainly you have no idea if the phone owner has actrually read the text message.

    I know during the working day now I can often recieve so many sms,emails, im and phone calls its very hard to reply in order you recieved them
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  8. #8
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Sometimes I've been waiting for a reply, then have seen that my message is still in the 'out' or 'drafts' box as I guess when I tried to send it, I was in a low/no signal area!

    How do you feel if your boyfriend/girlfriend takes/took quite a while to reply?

  9. #9
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i hate texting,i just dont get it.

    i reply to any text right away but due to it taking me so long,it may take a while
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  10. #10
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    I used to loath texts and found it a real slow bind messing about with the keypad to reply, however got a Blackberry last year and the full keyboard makes it dead easy.

    Never had a problem with unsent messages sitting in the outbox except at times when the networks are swamped like last weeks traffic gridlock, New Year etc

  11. #11
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I like texting & usually try to reply, straight away depending who it is?
    Can be quite stressful sometimes, trying to reply if you are busy, or driving or something.

    One thing I find sad is, how it is being used as a means, to bully people.
    Must be quite scary, to be a victim of this.

  12. #12
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    i hate texting,i just dont get it.

    i reply to any text right away but due to it taking me so long,it may take a while
    I find it an easy way to keep in touch as not everyone spends a fair bit of time on a PC and some people just don't phone that much/work odd hours + it can be expensive to phone. I do miss a decent phone chat though, especially as I spend most of the day at work on my own & live on my own.

    Texting is also handy as sometimes you can't phone them or they can't answer the phone as they could be at work, driving or busy doing something else, but they could receive a text message and then read it when they are able to, rather than you keep trying to or waiting to phone them. Sometimes also you only want to say/ask something quick and if you phoned every time, you'd soon use all your phone minutes up whereas most contracts have a few hundred few text messages.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    I like texting & usually try to reply, straight away depending who it is?
    Can be quite stressful sometimes, trying to reply if you are busy, or driving or something.

    One thing I find sad is, how it is being used as a means, to bully people.
    Must be quite scary, to be a victim of this.
    Very true about the bullying.

    With technolgy changing so quickly many parents have no idea or concept of what can be done with technolgy.

    At my workplace and many others now email, sms and mobile phone equiette have to be taught as many people of all ages use but have no ideas or try to use skills or knowledge from other methods of communication which dont always cross over fully.

    I would advise those who are not au fait to do a bit of googling nothing mind boggling all fairly simple but can safe a lot of grief due to a mis understood message or a faux pa made
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  14. #14
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    Texting seems pretty pointless to me, I like an immediate answer and therefore just call people. Seems quicker anyway.
    Had one of these stupid iphones, and now I dont. I now have another basic nokia, as its much better, longer battery and easier to make calls.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post

    I would advise those who are not au fait to do a bit of googling nothing mind boggling all fairly simple but can safe a lot of grief due to a mis understood message or a faux pa made
    Yeah! very easy to misunderstand messages, as has happened on this forum.
    Thank God for the smilies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    i only reply to people i like if i get a text (from those i like) i reply straight away.. for those i only like a little, well they can wait a day or two, for the people i dislike they can wait forever
    Yeah - That's me as well

  17. #17
    Respected Member jam07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    How do you feel if your boyfriend/girlfriend takes/took quite a while to reply?
    tampo mode!

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    Quote Originally Posted by jam07 View Post
    tampo mode!
    Ayo ko tampo mode

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    i only reply to people i like if i get a text (from those i like) i reply straight away.. for those i only like a little, well they can wait a day or two, for the people i dislike they can wait forever
    Yes I agree with you.

  20. #20
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Blimey with all these people saying how long they reply to electronic messages I hope they dont forget to reply to a loved one for some reason
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  21. #21
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Texting seems pretty pointless to me, I like an immediate answer and therefore just call people. Seems quicker anyway.
    Had one of these stupid iphones, and now I dont. I now have another basic nokia, as its much better, longer battery and easier to make calls.
    You sounds like my parents there! I think it depends if you want a phone to be just a phone or you want it to do other things as well. I love my iphone - I don't have a laptop and it means I can get on the internet easily anywhere as long as there is a phone signal and it works well - it's how I browse and make posts/replies on this forum a lot of the time. I can also keep check on my emails,m rather than having to wait until I get home in front of the PC. It has apps for things such as Yahoo, Sky news, sky sports, the weather, maps of anywhere on the world, Google earth, Youtube, TV Guide, I can watch live TV, Film trailers, Tube map, compass, games and many other things! So if ever I'm stuck anywhere waiting or whatever, there's always something to keep me entertained!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    You sounds like my parents there! I think it depends if you want a phone to be just a phone or you want it to do other things as well. I love my iphone - I don't have a laptop and it means I can get on the internet easily anywhere as long as there is a phone signal and it works well - it's how I browse and make posts/replies on this forum a lot of the time. I can also keep check on my emails,m rather than having to wait until I get home in front of the PC. It has apps for things such as Yahoo, Sky news, sky sports, the weather, maps of anywhere on the world, Google earth, Youtube, TV Guide, I can watch live TV, Film trailers, Tube map, compass, games and many other things! So if ever I'm stuck anywhere waiting or whatever, there's always something to keep me entertained!
    Ricky has a good point although I have a all singing all dancing phone which i can remove the battery from and replace with a spare I et even the new Islate or new i phone coming out july cant do that

    I also carry a bog standard Nokia with week long battery life simple, tough as a house brick and powers up in seconds and never crashes.

    The all singing gets switched off far quicker than the Nokia and with many people its far simpler to actually call than end up in text,email or im rallys

    Did you know a youtube film viewed on 3g is the same as 500,000 texts being sent, very soon you will find a congestion charge added to those that use data i feel
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  23. #23
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jam07 View Post
    tampo mode!
    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Blimey with all these people saying how long they reply to electronic messages I hope they dont forget to reply to a loved one for some reason
    Maybe that's what happened with me? Been waiting for a reply from since 4.38pm on Saturday, so am a bit worried and a bit down about it -it's the longest that she has taken to reply. I sent another message on Sunday eve just saying that I hoped she had got my message and that I tried to send her one earlier, but the battery on my iphone had run out (I'd been staying at my parents & had forgot to take my charger), and the smart phone I use to receive messages from her wouldn't send the message as I guess I had used my load of messages? I sent her a 500 pesos load recently, so that can't have run out and even if it has, it's only 1 pesos for her to send me a message. I don't think she has been on the internet as she still hasn't read the e-card I sent her on Christmas eve (I did send her a real Christmas card as well!) or forwarded the email to my home address that she had sent to my work address on Christmas eve by mistake.

    Don't know what to do now. I was hoping to chat to her over the last 2 days as well .

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    Maybe that's what happened with me? Been waiting for a reply from since 5.15pm on Saturday, so am a bit worried and a bit down about it -it's the longest that she has taken to reply. I sent another message on Sunday eve just saying that I hoped she had got my message and that I tried to send her one earlier, but the battery on my iphone had run out (I'd been staying at my parents & had forgot to take my charger), and the smart phone I use to receive messages from her wouldn't send the message as I guess I had used my load of messages? I sent her a 500 pesos load recently, so that can't have run out and even if it has, it's only 1 pesos for her to send me a message. I don't think she has been on the internet as she still hasn't read the e-card I sent her on Christmas eve (I did send her a real Christmas card as well!) or forwarded the email to my home address that she had sent to my work address on Christmas eve by mistake.

    Don't know what to do now.
    So waiting since Saturday which if you sent at 5.15 was the middle of the night in phill.
    A text costs more than 1 peso if sending to a uk operator from a phill operator or do you use a roaming sim or..

    Give her some time and dont worry Christmas is a hertic time for all the world who celebrate it, it seems.

    How do you know she has not read the e card? im guessing read receipt but they dont work always as im sure your aware.

    I guess you use o2 have you made sure you can check last number

    for vodafone and o2 *#147# should show you a text of the last call and time and date very handy for checking for those who dont or cant leave messages.

    Dont forget the networks suffer a lot during christmas and New year even more so between UK and Phill it seems so the sms may have got lost it does seem to happen. So worth just sending another during the next few days before the next message log jam occurs
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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    Maybe that's what happened with me? Been waiting for a reply from since 5.15pm on Saturday, so am a bit worried and a bit down about it -it's the longest that she has taken to reply. I sent another message on Sunday eve just saying that I hoped she had got my message and that I tried to send her one earlier, but the battery on my iphone had run out (I'd been staying at my parents & had forgot to take my charger), and the smart phone I use to receive messages from her wouldn't send the message as I guess I had used my load of messages? I sent her a 500 pesos load recently, so that can't have run out and even if it has, it's only 1 pesos for her to send me a message. I don't think she has been on the internet as she still hasn't read the e-card I sent her on Christmas eve (I did send her a real Christmas card as well!) or forwarded the email to my home address that she had sent to my work address on Christmas eve by mistake.

    Don't know what to do now. I was hoping to chat to her over the last 2 days as well .
    have you tried calling her through landline and mobile instead?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by jam07 View Post
    have you tried calling her through landline and mobile instead?

    Indeed if a problem with load (I know family in phill have complianed its simply vanished) she should still be able to recieve a call..

    Of course make sure you dont call direct on your mobile or landline. For the best suggestions for your situation check out the moneysaving experts table you should find many links to it on here...
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  27. #27
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Indeed if a problem with load (I know family in phill have complianed its simply vanished) she should still be able to recieve a call..

    Of course make sure you dont call direct on your mobile or landline. For the best suggestions for your situation check out the moneysaving experts table you should find many links to it on here...
    Hadn't seen your earlier post. I just checked and she sent the last message at 4.25pm and I replied at 4.38pm on Saturday. Yes, I have a Smart roaming sim-card on a different phone, so thats why it only costs 1 pesos for her to text me. Yeah with the e-card, it sends you a receipt when it's been read and also I would have though if she had been on the PC, then she would have forwarded that message as I did say that I'm not back to work until Jan.5th which is too long to wait to see the message!

    I've got a 1st dial calling card which is 5p to landline or 5p to mobiles. I haven't called as I didn't think she wants to talk if she doesn't want to text me and has been silent for 3 days. Too late to phone now anyway as it's after midnight and also don't know if she's back at work or what as I don't know what she's been up to over the last few days. She had said before that she hasn't sent a text during UK night-time as she didn't want to wake me, but I said it's ok to text me anytime as I switch the phone off at night so I won't get woken and I'll see any message that she's sent once I wake up.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    Maybe that's what happened with me? Been waiting for a reply from since 4.38pm on Saturday, so am a bit worried and a bit down about it -it's the longest that she has taken to reply. I sent another message on Sunday eve just saying that I hoped she had got my message and that I tried to send her one earlier, but the battery on my iphone had run out (I'd been staying at my parents & had forgot to take my charger), and the smart phone I use to receive messages from her wouldn't send the message as I guess I had used my load of messages? I sent her a 500 pesos load recently, so that can't have run out and even if it has, it's only 1 pesos for her to send me a message. I don't think she has been on the internet as she still hasn't read the e-card I sent her on Christmas eve (I did send her a real Christmas card as well!) or forwarded the email to my home address that she had sent to my work address on Christmas eve by mistake.

    Don't know what to do now. I was hoping to chat to her over the last 2 days as well .
    I think we've all had anxious times like this, don't worry about it too much yet.
    I never received a text, my wife sent me the other day...& as for talking on the phone, like every christmas, it's almost impossible, as her voice keeps breaking up.

    Has she got her own internet connection, or does she rely on the cafes?

    Probably just got involved in all the christmas goings-on.

    I never heard from mine, in the early days when she went home to her folks.
    Nearly 2 weeks, convinced my self of the worst, then got a phone call one morning....Hi

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    Hadn't seen your earlier post. I just checked and she sent the last message at 4.25pm and I replied at 4.38pm on Saturday. Yes, I have a Smart roaming sim-card on a different phone, so thats why it only costs 1 pesos for her to text me. Yeah with the e-card, it sends you a receipt when it's been read and also I would have though if she had been on the PC, then she would have forwarded that message as I did say that I'm not back to work until Jan.5th which is too long to wait to see the message!

    I've got a 1st dial calling card which is 5p to landline or 5p to mobiles. I haven't called as I didn't think she wants to talk if she doesn't want to text me and has been silent for 3 days. Too late to phone now anyway as it's after midnight and also don't know if she's back at work or what as I don't know what she's been up to over the last few days. She had said before that she hasn't sent a text during UK night-time as she didn't want to wake me, but I said it's ok to text me anytime as I switch the phone off at night so I won't get woken and I'll see any message that she's sent once I wake up.
    Another point sir is o2 have had many outrages recently due to the Iphone and what not...

    Like Sim11Uk says Phills do seem to get wrapped up in the family thing and time flys by she wont want to interupt your Christmas break and will be waiting for you to call

    The Wife has had that when she goes back home or goes to Italy to see her mum. When she does ring or goes to realises its to early to late Like you if my Phone is on its my fault if im snoozing or if its off I will pick up the message when i wake up.
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  30. #30
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    My problem is that I am always leaving my phone on silent so it doesn't interfere with work.. But then I leave it on silent only to come across 7 or more text messages and a missed call or two

    So, I guess I am not the most reliable person with regards to text message replies

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