Cant speak for the rest of the country but plans fdor several rail plans are on the cards in and around london. Plus high speed links with major cities accross the country are being discussed.
From my experience of commuting in my local area im amazed how many freight trains are still used to haul heavy goods into the centre of London. The trains must take 10's of lorrys off the roads which is good news for many resasons.
Having seen the double decker trains in Europe and else where it would be worth investing evenm on short heavy use strechs of track it would be worth raising the clerance of bridges just for the extra capacity it would bring.
I often for business meetings take the train many look at me oddly when I say that I travel via rail. But often wonder how I get so much work done before and after meetings. Normally on the way have read up and prepared with the very latest data, had a nap or eaten and afterwards dashed out emails in response to the meeting while the others still sit in their cars. I get home a little later sometimes but dont have to ignore the Wife once at home while responding to the emails already sent out by the nutter on the train