... 'April [or All] Fools' Day?
... it HADN'T escaped my notice, John ... !
Actually, this particular date happens to be the birthday of the sole remaining member of the immediate previous generation of my family ... my 91-year-old aunt ... so, in such circumstances, it would be difficult for me to forget.
Hence myin response to your post about support for the London March ... in terms of "banning vehicles from all UK roads".
Yet, many's the TRUE word said in jest! In more than forty years of living at the same address ... in close proximity to the A85 [and what was *THEN a fairly minor "secondary" thoroughfare *in 1968] ... I've witnessed a tremendous upsurge in the volume of traffic. And, now that I'm no longer as young, lithe nor fleet of foot as I once was, I find it can take anything up to a full five minutes to even attempt to reach the other side of the road... in the absence of any pedestrian crossing.
Just wanted to clarify my point ... interspersed with a wee bit of humour!