Quote Originally Posted by blackcat22 View Post
I'm just thinking about this scenario:

You meet a nice lady in phils, you went to meet her and her family and everything was cool and all accepted u and you want to show her you're serious with her etc... and you rent a small apartment for her and furnish it up to live until maybe 6-12months when to sort out her UK VISA etc..

How do you make sure while you're apart i.e you back in UK, she is not bringing back local "lover boys" to your rented apartment to entertained etc..?

I'm not in this situation yet but I nearly was last year.

any advise how to solve this apart from maybe getting a covert 24hr private detective on her which will cost tons of money.
Hmmm, I have to agree with the others on this thread. No point going to those measures just yet. spend that money on other things like plane tickets and such.

Is trust an issue?

If so, there are private detectives. But chances are they will just give you some boring log sheet of where she went and what she did. Nothing suspicious, just everyday stuff..

The fact is you will just have to trust her! She could be honest to you until 10 years from now! That is the gamble we all make when we embark on a serious relationship. Sometimes you just have to let go of that thought that says "What if she cheats on me?" and just get on with life..

What is to say you don't go to meet her in the Philippines and whilst alone meet a stunning woman and decide to cheat yourself???

Again, she is risking something to trust you too..

My advice is to always trust your instincts. If you feel there is something wrong with her then go with that instinct, but don't have doubts just for the sake of the fear of the unknown