I like many others did not rent the wifeto be (at the time) an appartment we did look into it me suggesting and pushing for more than the Wife.
Strangely i ended up paying for the Wifes Mum and her younger siblings to move into rented accomdation for a short period in the local town but that was due to a family emegency. The money went where it should and they were very grateful to be assited and I was honoured to be in the situation to help them. Several years later the mother in law was able to host us when in Italy and was grateful still for the help at the time
Its to easy to say yes or no to should you provide an appartment. It depends on so many factors.
But if you have just met a Lady and still dont feel you know her well enough risking the outlay of rent is to me a little silly. A years rent in phill is still quite a sum of money and does that mean you will pay all her other living expenses.
What level of housing and support is she used to now and what would you providse would this then cause issues when she ends up in a run of the mill house in the UK not living the makati life styleOr is it just a place to put her head and basic support which if your involved with someone is the least you can do morally?
Although thanks to this site and others I was very cautious by the time I was supporting the Wife if she needed help (the fact she could stop working and learned English to a far higher level plus spend a lot of time with her family was a massive bonsus to this day)
When I helped the family out I knew them well and I didn't even need to think abnout it once i knew all the facts.
If its to help your Mahal who you love and trust then go ahead but be warned if you set the standard to high.
With regards trust whatever anyone on here says you can never trust a fellow human 100 percent all human beings have the abilty to cheat, lie or simply decide they dont want to be with another human. To be honest its there right as it is with you.
All you can do is bulid as a high level of trust and lets be honest so many human interactions in social and the business world depend on people trusting others..
So in a nutshell.
Providing a apartment.
1. Are you both in love?
2. will the level of accomdation and support be the same or bettered once in the UK?
3. can you afford it if it does go wrong?
4. What happens if it all turns sour? Do you simply stop paying the rent/support straight off or?