Quote Originally Posted by blackcat22 View Post
I'm just thinking about this scenario:

You meet a nice lady in phils, you went to meet her and her family and everything was cool and all accepted u and you want to show her you're serious with her etc... and you rent a small apartment for her and furnish it up to live until maybe 6-12months when to sort out her UK VISA etc..

How do you make sure while you're apart i.e you back in UK, she is not bringing back local "lover boys" to your rented apartment to entertained etc..?

I'm not in this situation yet but I nearly was last year.

any advise how to solve this apart from maybe getting a covert 24hr private detective on her which will cost tons of money.
It sounds you rushly done something in your life and now you are worried(IMHO).

We, filipinas doesn't need to have a private detectives. It's a matter of trust but you need to know your girl better well before spending your cash and give your heart. The looser will always be the british one if they made rush decisions without knowing their girlfriend's background. For me, it is a must to a long distance relationships.

Just don't be too generous financially and heartfully.
I'm sure you know what I mean.

I have seen that situation mostly with young Pinays married to old rich japanese. They do hire detectives and they have positive result. But I seldom known pinays married to British and look for younger men and turned back to their ex BF.