Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
Thank you for your kind words Sophie. It's situations that have happened with me & similar that make people think this is how most Filipinas are -I know friends that know about my situations will now think this. I have been warned by a Chinese girl before too. If it wasn't for getting to know some of you lovely ladies on here a little, I guess I would be wondering if this is how a lot of Filipinas treat guys as well. It's sad that a few people that don't care about hurting others give others a bad name.
You're welcome tim And don't loose heart, you'll find the right girl, in time.....
There's still a lot of genuine filipinas out there, as a matter of fact, i think there's one available in this forum - it's jam
Sorry jam and tim, i like to play matchmaker, i can't help it, hehehe