Thanks for taking the time to reply everyone.
Well I phoned her mobile again this morning as I just wanted an answer etc and again someone answered and just kept saying "hello, hello!" then something in tagalog. She acted like she couldn't hear or understand, but I'm sure she could here as this went on for over 6 minutes, with me asking if Suzie was there etc. If you couldn't hear or understand someone, you wouldn't still be saying "hello" after 6 minutes.
So after a while I phoned her home no and a sister said that she was out at the time, but would be back about 11pm. I asked if there was a problem with her mobile phone and she said that it was destroyed & was trying to get a new one. So I phoned at 11pm, and Suzie answered!

She said that her phone had a virus that had come from the PC an it had been out of action for well over a week. I know that there is something up with her PC, as sometimes when we have been chatting on yahoo, some thing saying 'Happy sankranti/pongal' keeps popping up very so often on it's own accord. She said that she is trying to get a new phone at the moment. I said about the previous phone calls when someone answered and just kept saying "hello, hello" and she said "are you sure? Maybe it was just the phone operator?" She said that she had been staying with her cousins after Christmas in the Province at Cole (?). She also said that the internet was down at home as the bill hadn't been paid and at work they had cut it off as a manager had caught a teacher playing games on them. Seems a sudden lot of things going wrong all at once?!
She then asked what I thought of her and she thought that I thought of her as just a friend. I said that I wouldn't have done what I did, make the effort that I did if she was just a 'friend', that I wouldn't have been as worried as I had been and that I wasn't in contact with anyone else because of her. So I asked her the same thing and she said that she thought of me as a friend as anyone that she has met on the internet until they go to see her, she won't totally believe them as it's easy for guys to chat to many women on the internet and say this & that, but not really mean it + a lot of guys find lying very easily. She also thinks this as she had been hurt before and that since her dad passed away, that she was trying to avoid being hurt even more. She said that she hadn't been back on FH since meeting me and that I could check if I wanted. She also said that she had said to me before about until someone goes to see her etc, but I certainly don't remember as I would not have spent what I did on her Birthday, Christmas and family presents.
Anyway, we are meant to be chatting again shortly and she said that she would go to an internet cafe, catch up with my emails and explain how she feels about everything.
I know people have said before that a lot of Filipinas want action and the guy to prove what he feels and going to see them etc. The thing is, I don't want someone to want me just because I have gone to see them, I want them to want me because of how I am and that they have fallen for me. Of course me going to see them would make it complete. To make going even more slightly worrying, I have been in contact with British girls over here before from dating sites. We have got on great, chatted on the phone, etc etc, then met up and they have acted differently or once we have met, then not wanted to see me again. It's a lot of money to spend if once you have met, they still only see you as a friend, but would be easier to go and see them if you know that they felt for you a lot and maybe even love you a bit.
Will keep you posted as to what happens, .