Hello tim, i'm sorry for what happened, i know how much it must have hurt you but for what it's worth, atleast now you know the truth and no longer left in the dark wondering.....
I don't want to play devil's advocate but i got a strong feeling she already met this danish guy, i suspect that guy was over there the entire 12 days you cannot get hold of her.
And i don't believe her claims either that she's not in contact with any other guys but you. She must be chatting to this guy thesame time she's chatting with you.
And she must have lied to you about it since it will just put you off if you find out. She obviously kept her options open.
And when this danish guy decided to go there and visit her, she still did not tell you about him, she probably figured that if it doesn't work out with this guy, she still got you....
And now that she could have already met this guy and it went well, that's when she finally decided to ditch you and all of a sudden came up with claims about you as
being "just friends" and nothing special between you two, when she was quite sweet with her messages to you before which is certainly not in a "friendship" kind of way,
not to mention happily accepting all the presents you sent for her and her family without any hesitation or reluctance.
And looks like she's sticking to her previous story up to now that she's never been in contact with any other guy, to probably save her face and not admit she's a big liar.....
It's quite far fetched that this danish guy, who she claims as a total stranger and who she never chatted to nor she ever seen in photos,
suddenly decided to meet her next week and just like that, she made up her mind over this guy? I don't think so and i don't buy it.
She obviously met and have been with this guy already for her to make up her mind and be deadset on this danish guy and get rid of you just like that
after everything you had before and after all the nice things you've done for her....
She's not right for you and if its any consolation, i think its for the best since you wouldn't want to be with the kind of woman that she is.....
Life is too short to waste our time and emotions to undeserving and unworthy people who bother not to reciprocate our genuine affection....
and if i were you, i won't mourn nor feel sad about loosing her, she's not worth your tears and grief......Its her loss, not yours.