Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
According to "The Times" today 99 text messages were sent per month per mobile connection in the UK in 2008, compared to 36 in 2003. The Philippines is said to lead the world in the use of text messaging , according to "The Rough Guide to the Philippines".
My only caution would be not to assume because you have sent a text message that it has been received by the intended recipient !
The only younger person I know that doesn't text AT ALL is a Filipino!

As with always expecting that they have received the message, I guess that's also the same with emails and even old-fashioned letters. You automatically expect that they have received it and if you haven't heard, you can get disappointed or annoyed that they haven't replied, when they might not have received it at all! Sadly, this could have even ended relationships if the sender thinks that the recipient has not bothered to reply and is not interested anymore. I've had the odd problem before with text messages, emails and letters not being received by me or the recipient!

The other problem with waiting to hear back from text messages, is do you just wait or say, "i hope that you got my message?". Of course they might never have got it, so maybe best not to just wait, but if they have then you could also annoy them if they think you are hassling them when they could have been busy/unable to reply! Or they could have just forgot! It's not easy sometimes!