Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
You sounds like my parents there! I think it depends if you want a phone to be just a phone or you want it to do other things as well. I love my iphone - I don't have a laptop and it means I can get on the internet easily anywhere as long as there is a phone signal and it works well - it's how I browse and make posts/replies on this forum a lot of the time. I can also keep check on my emails,m rather than having to wait until I get home in front of the PC. It has apps for things such as Yahoo, Sky news, sky sports, the weather, maps of anywhere on the world, Google earth, Youtube, TV Guide, I can watch live TV, Film trailers, Tube map, compass, games and many other things! So if ever I'm stuck anywhere waiting or whatever, there's always something to keep me entertained!
Ricky has a good point although I have a all singing all dancing phone which i can remove the battery from and replace with a spare I et even the new Islate or new i phone coming out july cant do that

I also carry a bog standard Nokia with week long battery life simple, tough as a house brick and powers up in seconds and never crashes.

The all singing gets switched off far quicker than the Nokia and with many people its far simpler to actually call than end up in text,email or im rallys

Did you know a youtube film viewed on 3g is the same as 500,000 texts being sent, very soon you will find a congestion charge added to those that use data i feel