Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
Maybe that's what happened with me? Been waiting for a reply from since 4.38pm on Saturday, so am a bit worried and a bit down about it -it's the longest that she has taken to reply. I sent another message on Sunday eve just saying that I hoped she had got my message and that I tried to send her one earlier, but the battery on my iphone had run out (I'd been staying at my parents & had forgot to take my charger), and the smart phone I use to receive messages from her wouldn't send the message as I guess I had used my load of messages? I sent her a 500 pesos load recently, so that can't have run out and even if it has, it's only 1 pesos for her to send me a message. I don't think she has been on the internet as she still hasn't read the e-card I sent her on Christmas eve (I did send her a real Christmas card as well!) or forwarded the email to my home address that she had sent to my work address on Christmas eve by mistake.

Don't know what to do now. I was hoping to chat to her over the last 2 days as well .
I think we've all had anxious times like this, don't worry about it too much yet.
I never received a text, my wife sent me the other day...& as for talking on the phone, like every christmas, it's almost impossible, as her voice keeps breaking up.

Has she got her own internet connection, or does she rely on the cafes?

Probably just got involved in all the christmas goings-on.

I never heard from mine, in the early days when she went home to her folks.
Nearly 2 weeks, convinced my self of the worst, then got a phone call one morning....Hi