Quote Originally Posted by jam07 View Post
This is really sad. I dont feel good about this actually. I know many filipina's here in the forum will agree to me that it is not typical for a filipina not to communicate with her boyfriend for almost a week. Even at our busiest time, we still find time to send a simple text just to remind our bf that we are still here. I hope you dont mind me asking, do you have any tampuhan before this?
Well, we have been in contact for 7 months now and I did notice that she seemed to be e-mailing less a few months back, once I didn't hear anything for a week and once it was longer (this was before we were talking on the phone or texting). She has an old PC at home, but has to share it with the whole family and especially 5 of her brothers and sisters who are studying for College and school. There are 3 PC's at the language school where she teaches, but she said that she has less spare time there as she has more students to teach and as there's only 3, it's not easy to get on them. Obviously she didn't text much to my UK phone number as it was expensive. Then her father passed away, so I couldn't really press her to email more, especially as it meant that the family was more short of money and that she would need to do some private teaching in the evenings.

I then got a special phone number to call her, but that ran out and after joining this forum, I searched on here for other ways to phone her. She did say it was best to phone her after 10pm her time, as she was mostly always in then, but of course the later it was, the more tired she would be. I then bought a 2nd hand unlocked network phone and a Smart roaming sim so she could text me cheaply and we could keep in contact when we were unable to phone or email. I sent her a small amount of load while I was waiting for the sim card and phone to come, but that was used up when she texted me to my UK phone number. I then sent her a 500 pesos load a couple of weeks back, so she should have a lot of that left.

The only time when she has seemed a little off was on Christmas day evening when she thanked me for the presents and I replied with sorry that some were a bit boring (just things like tablets and ointments etc). She replied "Your questions aren't boring. Are you being pessimistic? Don't be. I really don't like it." Then she thanked me again for certain things etc. It seemed quite out of character and she's never been like that before. I did send her a message a couple of days before that when I hadn't heard anything for a couple of days & was feeling a bit down and said sorry for all my boring questions, so maybe she got that message late? But after that message we sent more messages like normal and in the last one she seemed fine. She said she was sitting on the mat and reading the local tourist leaflets that i sent her and mentioned certain ones that she liked. Then she said she hoped I was having a good time, be safe, take care, goodnight and smile xoxoxox.

I tried calling her mobile number again and it was engaged for about 20 minutes and now there's no answer again.