Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
Actually, I only found that out recently on my last trip to Phils. And by then nothing surprised me about her anymore as I'd already discovered about other guys beforehand.

I spent 2 weeks with her after chatting for 9 months. She married about 2 months after I came back home. Weird thing was she didn't tell me, and still tried to keep me sweet Not really great wife material. I had a lucky escape methinks.

After my trip to Phils I stayed in contact with the exs brother-in-law. We added each other on friendster and through him I met his beautiful cousin We chatted for about 6 months before I went out there. I probably would have gone sooner, but she didn't graduate till october so I held off until she had some free time.

Thats a lot to fork out for somebody you've never met, and like you say money can be tight here sometimes. If I were you I wouldn't send anything again and put the money towards a trip out there.

How did you meet Suzie to begin with? And do you think it's possible she chats with other guys? Even though you've done the right thing by being honest about your financial situation and saying you don't know when you will be able to visit, she may be thinking she'll be waiting for you for nothing.
Yeah, your ex doesn't sound like such great marriage material! Especially after you went out and had met her!

I met Suzie on a dating site, so I guess that it's not impossible that she could be in contact with someone else, although she did say a few months back that she wasn't when I said she'd have all the guys after her with the new make-up etc! The last time I was on the site a good few months back (not sent any messages etc, since not long after we met), she hadn't been on the site since not long after we started contact. I've not checked since quite a few months back though.

I have never strung her along, have always bothered about her and never gone quiet or ignored her. I have also have never lied and always done what I said I would do such as when I would contact her, get phone cards & call her, get the other mobile phone & smart sim and when I sent her things etc.

Already got things for her for Valentine's day!