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Thread: What are you like with text/sms messages?

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South-east boy What are you like with... 28th December 2009, 19:29
maria_and_matt i only reply to people i... 28th December 2009, 19:33
Steve.r Much the same for me, depends... 28th December 2009, 19:41
SteveTalaga Yeah - That's me as well... 29th December 2009, 00:20
lenlen Yes I agree with you. 29th December 2009, 15:07
somebody Sms, Emails, IMs even phone... 28th December 2009, 19:44
Doc Alan According to "The Times"... 28th December 2009, 19:47
South-east boy The only younger person I... 28th December 2009, 20:10
somebody Wll read recepits give you a... 28th December 2009, 20:13
South-east boy Sometimes I've been waiting... 28th December 2009, 20:43
jam07 tampo mode! :rolleyes: 29th December 2009, 03:42
SteveTalaga Ayo ko tampo mode :doh 29th December 2009, 12:36
bornatbirth i hate texting,i just dont... 28th December 2009, 20:57
Dedworth I used to loath texts and... 28th December 2009, 21:13
Sim11UK I like texting & usually try... 28th December 2009, 21:26
somebody Very true about the bullying.... 28th December 2009, 21:43
Sim11UK Yeah! very easy to... 28th December 2009, 21:54
South-east boy I find it an easy way to keep... 28th December 2009, 21:40
RickyR Texting seems pretty... 28th December 2009, 21:48
South-east boy You sounds like my parents... 29th December 2009, 15:36
somebody Ricky has a good point... 29th December 2009, 15:44
somebody Blimey with all these people... 29th December 2009, 15:35
South-east boy Maybe that's what happened... 29th December 2009, 15:59
somebody So waiting since Saturday... 29th December 2009, 16:56
jam07 have you tried calling her... 29th December 2009, 16:57
somebody Indeed if a problem with load... 29th December 2009, 17:08
Sim11UK I think we've all had anxious... 29th December 2009, 18:08
kenny I had a new touch screen... 29th December 2009, 19:13
lizaphil well depends who sending text... 30th December 2009, 19:28
laurel ]I tried phoning her mobile... 31st December 2009, 09:39
Doc Alan It's also worth remembering... 31st December 2009, 10:13
Arthur Little Hmm ... maybe it's an "age"... 31st December 2009, 13:32
Arthur Little Oh ... and while on the... 31st December 2009, 14:04
somebody You seem to be doing well Sir... 31st December 2009, 14:13
South-east boy Well, I look pretty tired... 31st December 2009, 14:16
laurel hang in there SEB, .......i... 31st December 2009, 15:01
triple5 I'm the same Arthur. by the... 31st December 2009, 14:00
Arthur Little :xxgrinning--00xx3: Thanks,... 31st December 2009, 14:25
triple5 Have you made any plans to go... 31st December 2009, 16:45
South-east boy I have mentioned about going... 31st December 2009, 17:14
jam07 what? no "i love you's" on... 31st December 2009, 18:27
South-east boy No, she hasn't said before... 31st December 2009, 20:22
triple5 She'll probably be back in... 31st December 2009, 18:15
South-east boy Blimey! That must have been a... 31st December 2009, 18:43
triple5 Actually, I only found that... 31st December 2009, 19:16
South-east boy Yeah, your ex doesn't sound... 31st December 2009, 20:47
Doc Alan Just to wish you Happy New... 31st December 2009, 20:53
South-east boy Thanks, am going round my... 31st December 2009, 21:10
somebody Sir your not going on at all... 31st December 2009, 23:25
Sim11UK We're here to help if we... 31st December 2009, 23:47
jam07 Mine's 7 pages. the same... 1st January 2010, 02:55
liane Sorry to hear about this Tim... 1st January 2010, 09:53
Sim11UK Yes, I remember your troubles... 1st January 2010, 10:26
Arthur Little Tim, I can easily relate... 1st January 2010, 13:07
South-east boy Thanks everyone.... 1st January 2010, 13:45
somebody Spot on as normally is Mr... 1st January 2010, 14:45
South-east boy I did say in my original ad... 1st January 2010, 15:30
Sim11UK I'd hang in there, a bit... 1st January 2010, 17:02
Sim11UK ...But you really have to... 1st January 2010, 17:13
Doc Alan [QUOTE=Sim11UK;198908]...But... 1st January 2010, 18:02
somebody Very true and the possibilty... 1st January 2010, 19:42
Arthur Little I've *quoted the main body of... 7th January 2010, 01:30
jam07 SEB, you can trust the guys... 1st January 2010, 02:48
triple5 One of the best comments I... 31st December 2009, 21:32
laurel SEB,as been said before we do... 31st December 2009, 22:01
laurel Hard to know what to do, i... 1st January 2010, 14:21
Arthur Little :cwm24: ... ME too!! ... 1st January 2010, 14:46
triple5 That's how i started out on a... 1st January 2010, 19:58
South-east boy If I do get a lodger in... 1st January 2010, 20:33
somebody From what I have seen of a... 1st January 2010, 21:30
South-east boy Like a lot of Filipinas she... 1st January 2010, 21:55
TomThumb I'm sorry to hear about her... 2nd January 2010, 11:18
eagles hi... anxiety destroys our... 2nd January 2010, 14:55
jam07 :iagree: :xxgrinning--00xx3:... 2nd January 2010, 15:02
South-east boy I phone her mobile no. about... 2nd January 2010, 15:17
liane Like what Jam has mentioned,... 2nd January 2010, 16:34
South-east boy If she does want out of it,... 2nd January 2010, 20:15
laurel im probably clutching at... 2nd January 2010, 20:32
South-east boy Like you said, I've worried... 2nd January 2010, 21:38
South-east boy Now virtually 9 days. Tried... 4th January 2010, 12:01
jam07 I dont feel good about... 4th January 2010, 13:17
triple5 Do you have any other friends... 4th January 2010, 14:01
South-east boy Not that live over there.... 4th January 2010, 14:37
laurel Been offline for a bit and... 5th January 2010, 08:51
South-east boy I was looking forward to see... 6th January 2010, 00:26
LEAHnew I'm sorry to hear your... 6th January 2010, 08:13
South-east boy I can only think maybe it's a... 6th January 2010, 08:30
Doc Alan Yes, she should have sent you... 6th January 2010, 09:30
triple5 I wouldn't worry too much... 6th January 2010, 11:29
bornatbirth its best to get your foot in... 6th January 2010, 11:36
South-east boy Well, maybe not exactly... 6th January 2010, 11:49
South-east boy It really doesn't look good... 6th January 2010, 16:45
TomThumb Sorry to hear that... 6th January 2010, 19:47
Sophie So sorry to hear about your... 6th January 2010, 21:17
Doc Alan Don't even think (or joke)... 6th January 2010, 21:30
bornatbirth well people can only talk... 6th January 2010, 23:37
triple5 So what now? You could get... 7th January 2010, 00:34
pennybarry I'm lazy when it comes to... 8th January 2010, 09:48
triple5 It comes across as though... 8th January 2010, 11:07
Doc Alan It seems I'm the first to... 8th January 2010, 23:28
TomThumb That was quite painful to... 8th January 2010, 23:56
TomThumb Hi again :) I just saw a... 9th January 2010, 00:07
South-east boy Thanks Alan! It has been... 9th January 2010, 03:20
alanmf1 Plenty more... 8th January 2010, 23:31
triple5 That's harsh mate, but at... 9th January 2010, 00:40
somebody HI SEB Sophie writes it far... 9th January 2010, 21:12
Arthur Little ... :iagree:! 10th January 2010, 01:57
South-east boy Thanks for that, I appreciate... 10th January 2010, 16:29
triple5 I'd go along with that... 9th January 2010, 21:43
triple5 She doesn't like you as a man... 10th January 2010, 15:21
South-east boy I only just thought that if I... 12th January 2010, 16:48
South-east boy Just got that virus message... 13th January 2010, 17:11
Arthur Little :omg: ... *that says it all! ... 13th January 2010, 23:47
triple5 Delete her from your list,... 13th January 2010, 17:21
Dedworth Sound advice 13th January 2010, 18:05
Doc Alan Completely agree. Not only... 13th January 2010, 23:08
Sophie I totally agree with you... 13th January 2010, 23:34
bornatbirth why?, what did she do wrong.... 13th January 2010, 23:17
South-east boy Maybe you haven't read... 14th January 2010, 00:28
bornatbirth i never said it was your... 14th January 2010, 00:54
South-east boy She did say that she wasn't... 14th January 2010, 01:19
bornatbirth before i met my wife, i... 14th January 2010, 01:39
eagles Love is such a magical... 14th January 2010, 11:41
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  1. #1
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jam07 View Post
    Mine's 7 pages. the same issue as seb - communication. You posted some there Sim. You told me that the guy seems to be a '****bag' to you. lol! well, I guess he kind'a is

    Happy new year to you and your wife!
    Yes, I remember your troubles too & I remember calling him a '****bag'.
    I know I was very grateful for all the advice given here.
    Hope things are a lot better for you now jam.

    Happy New Year, have a great one.

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Tim, I can easily relate to what you're going through, my friend. Having been married for the first time at a relatively young age, I found myself widowed when I was 47. Then, for the next sixteen years, I seemed to "stumble" blindly on from one relationship to the next ... all with British women, I hasten to add ... before "meeting" Myrna online in 2007 and, finally, "striking" [very] lucky!

    I firmly believe that she and I were truly destined for one another ... and each of my previous liaisons [apart from my earlier (successful) marriage - which lasted for 24 years] were all part of a "trial period" I'd to undergo prior to finding true happiness once again.

    So, hopefully, things will ultimately work out well for YOU and Suzie (without the long waiting period I had to endure, of course!). But first, I think you need to "test the waters" by indicating your clear intentions of visiting her and guaging her reactions to this proposal in order to try and ascertain her REAL feelings towards you.

  3. #3
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone. I'm not sure what to do now. It's New Years day and I've still had no Happy new year wishes etc. Do I just leave it, or phone her mobile again and if no answer, then phone her home number -if I do that, then do I ask any of these? - Where is she staying?, who is she staying with? when did she go? does she definitely have her mobile phone with her? If I do leave it, she will have seen my missed calls & text messages and her brother & sister will have probably said that I called, and if there has been something going on & she hasn't been honest, then she would have plenty of time to make a story up. She has lost some of my trust and I really don't know how trusting to be now.

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post

    So, hopefully, things will ultimately work out well for YOU and Suzie (without the long waiting period I had to endure, of course!). But first, I think you need to "test the waters" by indicating your clear intentions of visiting her and guaging her reactions to this proposal in order to try and ascertain her REAL feelings towards you.
    Spot on as normally is Mr Little.

    As many have experienced on here there maybe a reason why she has "dissapeared for a short while" it happened to sim and several others on here. Many Phill ladies im sure cant see hoe it could work especially if the Brit man does not visit.

    Propose to visit when you do speak and see what occurs as Mr Little says
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  5. #5
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Spot on as normally is Mr Little.

    As many have experienced on here there maybe a reason why she has "dissapeared for a short while" it happened to sim and several others on here. Many Phill ladies im sure cant see hoe it could work especially if the Brit man does not visit.

    Propose to visit when you do speak and see what occurs as Mr Little says
    I did say in my original ad that I was really looking for someone in UK and it was she who contacted me. If she can't think how it could work, then she could ask and press me. I did say after I sent the parcel, that I was annoyed that with the extra courier costs, customs & VAT as with what I spent I could have flown to see her for cheaper. I wish I could say when and book a flight etc, but I can't. As I've mentioned before in other threads, this last year has been very hard as I've had the highest bills and least amount of money coming in - I'm stuck on a high interest rate mortgage which is 50% more than the last, and my wages are a few hundred a month down due to no increase, no overtime a 1/4 of my bonuses from previous years and rising gas, electricity and petrol etc costs. I also had a £1040 car bill + other ones throughout the year!

  6. #6
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I'd hang in there, a bit longer if I was you....Wait until the new year has calmed down. I think you said she had a job? So presumably, she will have to come back for that, if she has gone away? Have you tried phoning again?

  7. #7
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    ...But you really have to consider whether you can afford it?
    Because if you want to persue this & get married, it's going to be at least 2 trips out there?...& that is just for starters.

    I've always wondered where the money was coming from, but somehow I've always managed it.

  8. #8
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    [QUOTE=Sim11UK;198908]...But you really have to consider whether you can afford it?
    Because if you want to persue this & get married, it's going to be at least 2 trips out there?...& that is just for starters.

    That's a sobering thought for the New Year !
    I've followed this thread from the start, and it's obviously not finished. However, it may become clear next week when the New Year is truly under way. Keep yourself occupied here until then, if at all possible, by seeing friends / relatives, even if you can't discuss these matters with them, you will doubtless find they have got their own problems which puts things in perspective.
    I had similar problems (communication, trust, money) with a British girl - so it's definitely not just Thais or Filipinas - and no Forum to offer me advice.
    You've been honest with your thoughts and finances, and there's advice elsewhere on the Forum about the cost of such distance relationships. Of course, I understand "cost" to be more than finance but the actual effort or loss necessary to achieve something.

  9. #9
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    ...But you really have to consider whether you can afford it?
    Because if you want to persue this & get married, it's going to be at least 2 trips out there?...& that is just for starters.

    I've always wondered where the money was coming from, but somehow I've always managed it.
    Very true and the possibilty if the wife comes over she may not earn a great deal unless very lucky or highly skilled. My Wife started in a low paid job and still not earning a great deal although still 6 times more than even her fellow uni and school friends in blue chip jobs in Manila.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Tim, I can easily relate to what you're going through, my friend. Having been married for the first time at a relatively young age, I found myself widowed when I was 47. Then, for the next sixteen years, I seemed to "stumble" blindly on from one relationship to the next ... all with British women, I hasten to add ... before "meeting" Myrna online in 2007 and, finally, "striking" [very] lucky!

    I firmly believe that she and I were truly destined for one another ... and each of my previous liaisons [apart from my earlier (successful) marriage - which lasted for 24 years] were all part of a "trial period" I'd to undergo prior
    to finding true happiness once again.

    I've *quoted the main body of an earlier post of mine in relation to your situation ... its object being to demonstrate how, in a metapohrical sense, I had to encounter many "frogs" on the pathway to meeting my "princess".

    In so *doing, I have purposely left out my last paragraph ... expressing the hope that things would [ultimately] work out well between you and Suzie ... because, the longer she maintains her "wall of silence - sadly, the less likely it seems you are, to hear from her again. This "judgement" is based on my having faced a similar situation (albeit involving an Englishwoman ) just over 4 years ago.

    To enlarge:

    About a couple of weeks before setting off on a pre-planned holiday to China, I met the lady in question at a dance. By a curious coincidence, she shared the same christian name as my late first wife, i.e., Iris. We dated twice ... and the "liaison" somehow felt "just right"! I even made a point of keeping in touch by mobile phone most days while I was away ... a bloody expensive business, it has to be said ... with HER using lovey-dovey sweet talk each time she rang off. So much so that, despite an otherwise enjoyable trip encapsulating such breathtaking sights as 'The Great Wall', the Terracotta Army site and Shanghai By Night - all in congenial company - I found myself yearning to be back home ... simply for the sake of seeing her again!

    On my return to the UK, I repeatedly tried contacting her from Heathrow. The first time, the phone was answered by a man ... whom I understood to be her son-in-law, as she lived with her married daughter and family. According to him, she was taking a bath ... so I left a message to tell Iris I'd called. An hour later, I tried again ... no response! On the 3rd occasion, I managed to speak to her daughter ... who informed me her mother had been feeling very tired and had gone to bed. Bah! It just seemed to be one excuse after another ... !!

    I finally managed to "pin the woman down" from home next day ... after an arduous, exhausting, sleep-deprived journey north, courtesy of National Express Coaches. We agreed to meet a week later and (guess what?) she failed to turn-up! She later called me to say, "sorry, but ... " (words to the effect that I was a really nice man; however, regettably, she felt she wasn't quite ready for another relationship "so soon" after her dear husband's passing, etc., etc., etc., ). Turned out the guy had been dead for over two years!

    And so, my friend, life goes on ... ! But, like I said ... "frogs & princesses". Keep your pecker up ... there's another day coming ...

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