I did say in my original ad that I was really looking for someone in UK and it was she who contacted me. If she can't think how it could work, then she could ask and press me. I did say after I sent the parcel, that I was annoyed that with the extra courier costs, customs & VAT as with what I spent I could have flown to see her for cheaper. I wish I could say when and book a flight etc, but I can't.
That's how i started out on a dating site, looking for somebody a lot closer to home. I didn't know the first thing about the Philippines, and it was only when a girl from there contacted me that I considered going out there.

Depends where Suzie is from as some places are cheaper than others, but you may be surprised how little you'll spend out there. Like you said, you got the flight money together, all you need is a bit of spending money. I usually get through about £700 in a fortnight when I'm there and that's having a few nights at some top resorts and treating friends/family to meals and days out.

It's when you start making plans to bring your girl over here that its going to get really expensive. Try and look on the brightside, when you get that far down the road we'll be out of the recession by then