If she does want out of it, as I mentioned before, she hasn't really given any sign of it. We spoke on Christmas morning (her time-my time until 3.30am!) for a couple of hours on yahoo, webcam and phone and I saw & waved to some of her family. If she wanted out, wouldn't you just make an excuse so you could go? Also the time we chatted on webcam before that, she said that she couldn't stop looking at me as I looked so good-why bother to say that if you want to end it?
Yes, they will know about me as I sent flowers to her family when her father passed away, I have spoken to some when I have called her home phone and of course they will have received all the Christmas things for the family from me recently including 2 presents for her Mum. She also said that they had taken photos of them opening the Christmas things that they would send to me. I was hoping to speak to her after Christmas to find out what they thought of certain presents, but of course, I have not had the chance. If she does want out, maybe it's because I couldn't help her come over here or she was waiting until she received her Birthday and Christmas presents?
I would have thought that if you feel you can't tell them you want to end it as you don't want to hurt them by ending it suddenly, then with a LDR, surely the easiest way would be to gradually get quieter, take longer to reply with shorter messages and if the other person then asks if something is up or are they not interested anymore than to say that they would prefer to end it.
But then as I have briefly mentioned before I have had a LDR before with a girl from France which was before the days of everyone being able to email and having mobile phones. After nearly 2 years together she wrote less, but then we still spoke on the phone a lot, so that didn't matter so much. But then she got an answer phone and later she was harder to get hold of and we didn't get to speak as much. I seemed to get the impression that she wasn't so interested anymore and asked her that. She said it was because it was hard time for her with her looking for another job and somewhere else to live. Then in the summer she was meant to be coming over to stay for a week or so which I was really looking forward to as we hadn't seen each other for a while as she was doing temp teaching, so always had to be available. I got annoyed as it was nearly time for the dates when she was meant to come over and I had to let work know if I was going to be on holiday or not. She said sorry, that she would have to postpone it as she was going to stay with some friends in a different area and look for jobs + somewhere else to live and that she would let me know soon when she had news. That was the last I ever heard from her. There was no answer when I rang her phone and then it was cancelled, I never had any replies to my letters to her address or her parents address and when I called her parents, they couldn't speak English and I could only just about ask something in French, but didn't understand their reply! Why when I asked if she wanted to end it, she said no, then ended it by just disappearing I don't know?!
Suzie knows about this story as we have talked about past relationships before. I also said in my dating site profile that I have had a relationship with a Filipina before which started well, then I ended up hurt when they said that they didn't want a relationship anymore.
I have never done anything bad or wrong to her and have been as caring & loving as I can, just as I have been with any previous girl before. I have never lied, cheated, been uncaring or whatever, and have done all I can to help them with any problem so I have nothing to feel guilty about, but for some reason how I am to them does not seem to be appreciated and I don't know why?![]()