I was looking forward to see the email from her at work today as it was my first day back to work. This was the email that she sent on Christmas eve to my work email by mistake instead of my home email. Got to work to find my email was down and it didn't get sorted out until 3.30pm. Anyway, she was just replying to my funny email pics and saying about what she was going to do on Christmas day and going with her neices to the mall so they could spend the money that her sister-in-law (neices mum) had sent to them, so nothing unusual in the message.

I phoned her mobile and this time it said it was unattended or in a low signal area-I guess this could also mean that the battery was dead or it was switched off. I didn't phone her home phone as I thought it was a bit late by then, but will try it tomorrow if I still haven't heard anything.