It really doesn't look good now. At just before 11am she opened one of my e-cards, but not sure if it was the Christmas or New year one. She didn't send one back reply or send an email. As 11am here is 7pm there, I doubt that it was at work, so was either at home or at a cyber cafe I guess. I tried her mobile and it said that it was unattended or was out of coverage. I tried her home no. a bit later and a sister who had problems understanding me said that she wasn't back. Tried her mobile later and a guy answered with a dog barking and thought I might have wrong no. or the phone had been left somewhere.

Phoned again later and a woman answered in English, but couldn't seem to hear me at all, then put the phone down. When I tried her home no. after it was engaged for a while. Tried her mobile later and there was no answer. Then she popped up on yahoo and said something I think it was in the status box and I was just going to write it down before opening a chat box, before she went onto mobile and the message went. I said 'jeg', then I'm not sure what. I phoned her home no. again and her sister said that she was asleep, which I'm not sure if I believe as it was only 10pm, she never normally goes to bed that early and it was so soon after she had just been on yahoo so briefly.

Feel like going off to beachey head, but I wouldn't be able to get there because of the snow!

Sorry, to have gone on so much and to have bored everybody that has read this. Looks like I'm back to being on my own again as per usual. Can't really talk to many people about this either, as they won't understand or think I've been stupid. Just don't know what I do wrong?