Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
So sorry to hear about your story south east boy, it was pretty clear that this girl is deliberately avoiding you and disregarding your calls and messages.......
She doesn't even have the decency to tell you straight if she wants out of the relationship or found someone else.....
It may hurt you but atleast you know the reason, because there's nothing worst than not knowing at all......
She just left you in the dark confused, guessing and wondering what went wrong or what have you done for her to ignore you and simply vanish....
You seem like a very nice and genuine guy, you deserve better and i hope you'll find the right girl
Thank you for your kind words Sophie. It's situations that have happened with me & similar that make people think this is how most Filipinas are -I know friends that know about my situations will now think this. I have been warned by a Chinese girl before too. If it wasn't for getting to know some of you lovely ladies on here a little, I guess I would be wondering if this is how a lot of Filipinas treat guys as well. It's sad that a few people that don't care about hurting others give others a bad name.