Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
Tim, I can easily relate to what you're going through, my friend. Having been married for the first time at a relatively young age, I found myself widowed when I was 47. Then, for the next sixteen years, I seemed to "stumble" blindly on from one relationship to the next ... all with British women, I hasten to add ... before "meeting" Myrna online in 2007 and, finally, "striking" [very] lucky!

I firmly believe that she and I were truly destined for one another ... and each of my previous liaisons [apart from my earlier (successful) marriage - which lasted for 24 years] were all part of a "trial period" I'd to undergo prior
to finding true happiness once again.

I've *quoted the main body of an earlier post of mine in relation to your situation ... its object being to demonstrate how, in a metapohrical sense, I had to encounter many "frogs" on the pathway to meeting my "princess".

In so *doing, I have purposely left out my last paragraph ... expressing the hope that things would [ultimately] work out well between you and Suzie ... because, the longer she maintains her "wall of silence - sadly, the less likely it seems you are, to hear from her again. This "judgement" is based on my having faced a similar situation (albeit involving an Englishwoman ) just over 4 years ago.

To enlarge:

About a couple of weeks before setting off on a pre-planned holiday to China, I met the lady in question at a dance. By a curious coincidence, she shared the same christian name as my late first wife, i.e., Iris. We dated twice ... and the "liaison" somehow felt "just right"! I even made a point of keeping in touch by mobile phone most days while I was away ... a bloody expensive business, it has to be said ... with HER using lovey-dovey sweet talk each time she rang off. So much so that, despite an otherwise enjoyable trip encapsulating such breathtaking sights as 'The Great Wall', the Terracotta Army site and Shanghai By Night - all in congenial company - I found myself yearning to be back home ... simply for the sake of seeing her again!

On my return to the UK, I repeatedly tried contacting her from Heathrow. The first time, the phone was answered by a man ... whom I understood to be her son-in-law, as she lived with her married daughter and family. According to him, she was taking a bath ... so I left a message to tell Iris I'd called. An hour later, I tried again ... no response! On the 3rd occasion, I managed to speak to her daughter ... who informed me her mother had been feeling very tired and had gone to bed. Bah! It just seemed to be one excuse after another ... !!

I finally managed to "pin the woman down" from home next day ... after an arduous, exhausting, sleep-deprived journey north, courtesy of National Express Coaches. We agreed to meet a week later and (guess what?) she failed to turn-up! She later called me to say, "sorry, but ... " (words to the effect that I was a really nice man; however, regettably, she felt she wasn't quite ready for another relationship "so soon" after her dear husband's passing, etc., etc., etc., ). Turned out the guy had been dead for over two years!

And so, my friend, life goes on ... ! But, like I said ... "frogs & princesses". Keep your pecker up ... there's another day coming ...