That was quite painful to read. It must have been much worse for you. I agree that she isn't being consistent or rational, but deep down that is how people work. The reasons they give for things tend to be invented afterwards I reckon.
At least she is being honest now. I don't think there is any point in your trying to argue with her, and to be honest she doesn't seem much of a catch. She shouldn't have accepted so much from you or said what she did to you if she didn't feel more positively towards you. Now she is trying to let you down as kindly as she can, but the damage has been done.
I don't know what to advise you to do now. Maybe lick your wounds for a bit, and then perhaps concentrate on improving your finances so if you meet someone with a better character, you will be in a better position to pursue her.
I'm so sorry you had this painful experience, but I can honestly say that I think your big loss was not her. It was the money.