Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
why?, what did she do wrong.

if i was chatting to her, i would of been there a week later...you did see her photos?

after waiting 7 month' for southeastboy she thought this was going nowhere and the first man to go and see her, got her!, seems simple to me

Maybe you haven't read everything? So you think that she did nothing wrong and everything was my fault? Would you have felt happy if you thought everything was going well and you spent a lot of time, thought and money over the last few months on them, only to find out that they had been lying and saw someone else behind your back and accepted them straight away?

As I've said before it's easy to go and see her soon if you have the money to do that and the recession hasn't affected you. Maybe you might go and see a girl just from chatting to her, without getting any strong feelings, but it's a lot of money to me and I would only go if I know that they feel strongly for me and me with her. I won't just go to the other side of the world, just because she is good-looking. Yes, I felt for her and I thought that she did with me, but you hear of people on this forum chatting everyday and their girls waking early or whatever so they have time to chat. Sometimes I didn't hear hardly anything from her for a couple of weeks or so. Yes, it was true that she had brothers & sisters using the home PC, but couldn't she have gone to bed a little later or woken up earlier to find time? There are internet cafes too. If you feel that strongly for someone then you make that extra effort to keep in contact. I always kept in contact with her and I thought that all the extra effort that I was making over the last couple of months would bring us closer together.

She never asked me when I was coming, or pressed me for a date, so I didn't know that she was in such a rush and thought that she was happy with it. She is 25, not 37+, so not like she is ending up on the shelf. I said to her my situation and she also contacted me in the first place and I did say that I was looking for someone over here. I did not know what the future would hold and of course did not know how badly the recession would affect the company that I work for, therefor reducing my earnings greatly. I would think if they feel that much for you they would wait (not forever obviously) and ask when I would be coming. Not everyone on this forum has rushed over to see their girls in just a month or two and their girls have waited. I have not been on this forum long, so I had no clue as to how quick any guy goes over to see his girl over there. She also knew that I was sending her things for Birthday and Christmas + asked for make-up. She never said don't send anything, put it towards a flight to see me instead. With what I spent on the birthday and Christmas gifts, courier & VAT/customs charges and if I'd known that I could have stayed with her family, then I could have done it.

I was planning on seeing her this year if things continued to go well and we were getting closer, but of course would need to get the money together. It would have been easier for me to have gone to see her sooner, if I knew that I would be staying there with her like the Danish guy did, but as her family is big, I thought I'd need to stay in a hotel, so even more money and the trip being harder to afford and longer away. I would have thought what I did for her and her family wouldn't have meant something but it seems it didn't. the only thing I didn't do was go and see her and it seems that that was the only thing that mattered to her, but how was I to know?

But as I've said before, I want someone to want me, because of how I am as a person, that they genuinely love me not because I was the first guy to go out & see them, they can get married and leave for another country. Maybe you don't mind someone wanting you for that, but I want more than that. Can you really be in love with the love of your life who is someone who was a stranger just a few days ago?