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Thread: Have the Conservatives really changed?

  1. #1
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    Have the Conservatives really changed?

    Surprisingly, this could have been broadcast a week ago and it would still be relevant..

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  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Surprisingly, this could have been broadcast a week ago and it would still be relevant..

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    ... You mean "HAS BE(A)NS"?

  3. #3
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    I doubt it would have gotten broadcast a week ago. 'nigger loving' and 'some of them are black' etc on todays TV

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    I doubt it would have gotten broadcast a week ago. 'nigger loving' and 'some of them are black' etc on todays TV
    ... and that's it ... in black & white!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    I doubt it would have gotten broadcast a week ago. 'nigger loving' and 'some of them are black' etc on todays TV
    True.. But depends on the comedian, and the TV station. Channel 4 would love to kick up a storm so if any broadcaster gets rid of PC guidelines, it'd be them.

  6. #6
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Surprisingly, this could have been broadcast a week ago and it would still be relevant..

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    Quite true, David Cameron may pretend that he's in charge and that the Conservatives have modernised, but the reality is that lurking in the background there will be some sort of Willie Whitelaw figure and a group of men in grey suits who are pulling his strings.

  7. #7
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    isnt the world run by the rich right wing?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  8. #8
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    isnt the world run by the rich right wing?
    Always has been, always will be.

  9. #9
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Strangely as many recent immgriants rise up the social ladder they to often become tory/nulabour and dont wanna pay for those at the bottom of the pile.

    Can think of many Labour supporters old and new just as bigoted

    Often thought many of theose PC who see racism in everything are actually those who are racist/bigoted but dont want to appear so.
    Funny how they see issues when even those being oppressed dont feel opressed or care about

    I have often heard from and read of people in minorities who would rather people openly expressed their views rather than quietly tolerate then explode or never show their views in public but possibly either subconciously or discretly let them views decide how they act..

    You only have to see how the Goverment/councils request people tolerate those of different backgrounds surely understand would be better?

    I hope people realise wheter the puppets in power are red or blue or come to think of it yellow or whatever.

    The people who make most of the day to day decisions and create and implement most of the rulings they proposed and created are there whoever we vote for

    Asking us to tolerate etc.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Strangely as many recent immgriants rise up the social ladder they to often become tory/nulabour and dont wanna pay for those at the bottom of the pile.

    Can think of many Labour supporters old and new just as bigoted

    Often thought many of theose PC who see racism in everything are actually those who are racist/bigoted but dont want to appear so.
    Funny how they see issues when even those being oppressed dont feel opressed or care about

    I have often heard from and read of people in minorities who would rather people openly expressed their views rather than quietly tolerate then explode or never show their views in public but possibly either subconciously or discretly let them views decide how they act..

    You only have to see how the Goverment/councils request people tolerate those of different backgrounds surely understand would be better?

    I hope people realise wheter the puppets in power are red or blue or come to think of it yellow or whatever.

    The people who make most of the day to day decisions and create and implement most of the rulings they proposed and created are there whoever we vote for

    Asking us to tolerate etc.
    Very true! We live in a country where the most racist and vile people will go about their business with a political correct shield to prevent them from saying what they mean.

    Also, due to past problems we have given in to the PC brigade even though the vast majority of us are not racist or sexist or whatever "ist".. And we shy away from open discourse by trying to be polite. Which is (IMO) one of the things wrong with this country!

    I would love to hear the BNP say what they only wish they could say, then we would never have to hear another politician claim the BNP are racists, as that would be very clear by their own words.

    But it would also be great if none racist or bigoted people could still laugh and joke about the differences between us as a people. I see no harm in making fun of the obvious stereotypes we have as a society and then having everything in the open. One of my favorite comedians 'Chris Rock' is often making jokes about the cultural difference between black America and white America. All very funny, often telling of how bad the race situation has been over there, but something everyone should enjoy without guilt or remorse for laughing at his use of the N word..

    We really should get over ourselves and learn to laugh at life a little more!

    As for what you said about whoever gets into power.. I also agree! The unelected civil servants are the true rulers of this country. They just change their figures to match the elected government in power, but often they themselves have to innovate and find ways to build or maintain infrastructure in any given area..

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    We really should get over ourselves and learn to laugh at life a little more!

    As for what you said about whoever gets into power.. I also agree! The unelected civil servants are the true rulers of this country. They just change their figures to match the elected government in power, but often they themselves have to innovate and find ways to build or maintain infrastructure in any given area..
    were all guilty of some form of prejudice , laughing at tall, short, thin, fat, bald, ginger, big ears, scousers etc... and colour of skin is just another one of these prejudices to me, most of the time its ignorance or just stupidity that we have them.

    thou my misses doesn't like me leaning my elbow on her head just the right height when i get tired

  12. #12
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Very true! We live in a country where the most racist and vile people will go about their business with a political correct shield to prevent them from saying what they mean.

    Also, due to past problems we have given in to the PC brigade even though the vast majority of us are not racist or sexist or whatever "ist".. And we shy away from open discourse by trying to be polite. Which is (IMO) one of the things wrong with this country!

    I would love to hear the BNP say what they only wish they could say, then we would never have to hear another politician claim the BNP are racists, as that would be very clear by their own words.

    But it would also be great if none racist or bigoted people could still laugh and joke about the differences between us as a people. I see no harm in making fun of the obvious stereotypes we have as a society and then having everything in the open. One of my favorite comedians 'Chris Rock' is often making jokes about the cultural difference between black America and white America. All very funny, often telling of how bad the race situation has been over there, but something everyone should enjoy without guilt or remorse for laughing at his use of the N word..

    We really should get over ourselves and learn to laugh at life a little more!

    As for what you said about whoever gets into power.. I also agree! The unelected civil servants are the true rulers of this country. They just change their figures to match the elected government in power, but often they themselves have to innovate and find ways to build or maintain infrastructure in any given area..
    Exactly most people opften have a group or race they "dont like" most of its lack of understanding and what I have seen "PC values" doing is stop people asking those questions which might be uncomfortable but clear up a misunderstanding or help them gain knowledge which helps them understand a person or culture better.

    Many people from different backgrounds learn about other cultures and what not by joking with their mates. But risk the wrath of the HR department

    Look how brits and phills joke about one anothers cultures but at the same time learn more about the other nation and its people. Far more fun than reading a text book
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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