Strangely as many recent immgriants rise up the social ladder they to often become tory/nulabour and dont wanna pay for those at the bottom of the pile.
Can think of many Labour supporters old and new just as bigoted
Often thought many of theose PC who see racism in everything are actually those who are racist/bigoted but dont want to appear so.
Funny how they see issues when even those being oppressed dont feel opressed or care about
I have often heard from and read of people in minorities who would rather people openly expressed their views rather than quietly tolerate then explode or never show their views in public but possibly either subconciously or discretly let them views decide how they act..
You only have to see how the Goverment/councils request people
tolerate those of different backgrounds surely understand would be better?
I hope people realise wheter the puppets in power are red or blue or come to think of it yellow or whatever.
The people who make most of the day to day decisions and create and implement most of the rulings they proposed and created are there whoever we vote for
Asking us to tolerate etc.