Looking good Maam the Pictures bring Santa Rosa to life for someone who has not been there
I remeber reading websites a few years ago for info on Boracay and Tagatay and due to the lack of pictures or not very representative ones I didn't recgonise many of the places when I got to visit both of the locations.
A good guide like the one your developing should make you feel at ease and feel you have inside knowledge on the place. So as a new visitor you dont waste so much time finding your way round.
The amount of detail you have already for various locations is very impressive.
One page/subject which would be useful would be for weather/ and condtions for the vistor from abroad. Ie whats the weather like typically at a certain time, is there a time you should be more aware of mossies etc.
Also for any vistor knowledge of Drug stores, medical faclities is very important, best to be prepared
The home page looks far more welcoming now
One point I would make as google launch their new phone today and the islate and next iphone is rumoured to be announced later. Plus all the other Phones with web browsing capablity are you testing on popular mobile phone formats.
As im guessing as a guide around a local area, people visiting may use while on the move.
It maybe worth asking people you know with different phones to help you browse to check it looks ok on all major formats. Also that it loads ok I noticed one Photo was 150k with two other smaller photos which may take some time for those on a slower connection ie gprs to download.
You can purchase access to websites and software which can help you here but for basic test
http://browsershots.org/ will help you see what your site will
look on different browsers but not for Mobile phone browsers although Iphones use safari.
Of course some of the browsers are a bit obscure so not worth worrying about to much.
Heres some more useful Links you may already use
Plenty more of sites to help as you know Maam