Of course, out here in 'The Sticks' one hardly hears of what is going on in Blighty - unless one makes a conscious effort. After the trials and tribulations of Hanna and I over the last three months, I have been somewhat neglectful of domestic news.
Today, I made the effort to read the papers stretching back to the middle of October. Of course, I, as I'm sure lots of people do, tend to gloss over the bad news, regarding same as an ongoing indictment of our worsening domestic situation - being constantly reminded - of course - by Dom and subsequent thread remarks.
When I was home - I always used to watch the dross known as 'X Factor' and 'Britain's Got Talent' just to witness the opening rounds where there were 'artists' who actually were even worse than me!!!!
It was whilst perusing the YouTube videos of the latter that I stumbled upon the Scottish lass Susan. Now, I am a rock and roll fan essentially - however, when I heard her debut song, I must admit, it brought a tear to my eye! She was outstanding, unbelievable, brilliant!!! She is 47! Where has she been? Why has she not done anything before now with her incredible talent??
I love her voice - I love her raw personality - and so does Hanna!
God bless you Susan - go for it girl!!! You have more talent in your little finger than the rubbish that permeates the 'charts' these days!