It is so difficult to know if this is a case of you being seen as a soft target and scammed, or whether this girl genuinely needs the cash. Every situation is different, but it seems that this can happen a lot.
I can only judge from my own experience. My girlfriend is in a similar position. She has 2 young boys back in Phils, she now works and is living in Singapore. Over the last seven months I have known her, she has never asked me for a penny. She works several jobs, long hours and goes to school to try to improve herself. If this is not a case for asking for help, I don't know what is, but....she has never asked. She will be earning less in Singapore than in the Uk.
I have given her a few gifts of course, but I have always thought that I do so because I love her, and I can afford to. If you can afford to help her, and not expect anything in return, then help the girl. Give her a gift. warned, scammers will scam, and not just people from abroad, but closer to home too.