As mentioned, I think a lot of Filipinos don't realise that it is not as easy living here as they think. Yes, most will get paid a lot more here than back home, but then living costs are a lot higher and if you don't earn a great wage and you have to send money back, then it really will be tough. I read about a Male nurse over here -he earns about £22k or so, lives in London, yet still sends enough money back to his wife and 2 children that is enough for them to live in a lovely detached house and private education for his 2 young children-how he gets by himself, i don't know.

If I was you, I would give her the money or a little less depending on how much she has asked for and then see what happens. If she pays it back straight away or gradually then great. If she doesn't pay it back, but doesn't ask for more, then not so bad if you are getting close, but if she doesn't pay any back and asks for more still, then I don't think that's a great sign. I would hate someone to ask me if I didn't have it (but obviously it all depends on how much it is and how much you can afford), but hate even more having to ask for it back, as I've had that before (not with a girl) and it's very awkward and embarassing.