after paying for xmas and the new year many people are short of money, and if like most you got paid a week b4 xmas and you're next pay cheque is not til the end of jan you will be short, especially if you've got kids, so she is probably not lying about needing a loan, and maybe she has no one else who can help or no credit card she can use.
other posters are right, people don't realise how much it cost to live in the uk, and many Filipinos will not be earning much more than the minimum wage, and will the £ dropping in the last couple of years , and now being only worth 74php, that means she will have to send more £'s in remits back home
not many people will scam you face to face, not when you've meet her regularly for months, and I'm sure its not easy for her to ask you, but its always a possibility.
anyway can you afford to give her the money ? can you afford to lose the money ?
and for those who have wifes and g/f's who have not asked you for money to send back to the phils, or not needed to then your the lucky onesnot everyone is in the same situation as them