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Thread: I gave up..............

  1. #1
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Smile I gave up..............

    ..............smoking last night!

    Started again this morning though!

    Has anybody ever succeeded in this enterprise and, if so, how did you do it?

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I did pretty damned well for around two weeks..Did about ten packets of Niccorette though..Found it much cheaper to smoke!!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    You need to suck 'Olde English' Spangles

  4. #4
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    I caught pnumonia,that stopped me

  5. #5
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    you have got to have willpower I smoked very heavy got up one mornining and said no more that was 15 months ago I still crave for a smoke but just say no to my self you will do it Alan if you want to

  6. #6
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    getting pregnant stops me from smoking....
    .....uhmm ok ok i only smoke 'fatter joints' when im pregnant lol

  7. #7
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    A heart attack sorted that one out for me.....

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    ..............smoking last night!

    Has anybody ever succeeded in this enterprise and, if so, how did you do it?

    Yes, many people have succeeded, and you need only "Google" smoking to find the best ways to give up. It's not easy, but just remember that "healthy living" ( regular exercise, moderate alcohol intake, good diet etc) is of limited value if you continue to smoke. I didn't join this Forum expecting to give advice about health, but trust me, I'm a doctor, it's worth giving up smoking by whatever means and however long you have been a smoker.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    You need to suck 'Olde English' Spangles
    WOW!!! If only I could still find those!!!!

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  10. #10
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leo View Post
    you have got to have willpower I smoked very heavy got up one mornining and said no more that was 15 months ago I still crave for a smoke but just say no to my self you will do it Alan if you want to
    I know Leo! Unfortunately, some of us are very 'weak-willed.' (Or is it just me??)

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  11. #11
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    getting pregnant stops me from smoking....
    .....uhmm ok ok i only smoke 'fatter joints' when im pregnant lol
    Hmmm...........I think I'm a bit old for getting pregnant now!

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  12. #12
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    A heart attack sorted that one out for me.....
    What can I say? Same for my mum - but here I am - still being stupid!

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  13. #13
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    Yes, many people have succeeded, and you need only "Google" smoking to find the best ways to give up. It's not easy, but just remember that "healthy living" ( regular exercise, moderate alcohol intake, good diet etc) is of limited value if you continue to smoke. I didn't join this Forum expecting to give advice about health, but trust me, I'm a doctor, it's worth giving up smoking by whatever means and however long you have been a smoker.
    I appreciate that Alan!

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  14. #14
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    A hypnotherapy "Stop Smoking" cassette/CD worked on me, (I listened to it all day everyday for a whole week though!)

    I think it's important to remember that giving up the poisenous sticks makes you feel fantastic!

    Your not giving up a luxury, your saying goodbye to a toxic drudgery!

    You might aswell figure out how much money your going to save and plan a nice prezzie for yourself!

    Just think how goooooooooood it's going to make you feel!

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  15. #15
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    I know Leo! Unfortunately, some of us are very 'weak-willed.' (Or is it just me??)

    No it's not just you Al, I'm just the same.

  16. #16
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    A hypnotherapy "Stop Smoking" cassette/CD worked on me, (I listened to it all day everyday for a whole week though!)

    I think it's important to remember that giving up the poisenous sticks makes you feel fantastic!

    Your not giving up a luxury, your saying goodbye to a toxic drudgery!

    You might aswell figure out how much money your going to save and plan a nice prezzie for yourself!

    Just think how goooooooooood it's going to make you feel!
    Have to say Nigel you hit it on the head. Its a lot to do with will power and getting the mind to say no. The money factor helps inthe UK but im guessing not so much of an issue in Pinas. Also charts like the one shown with this site

    Luckily when i did smoke when younger, strangely I would never smoke at home and although i might go crazy with them when out with Mates chain smoking. I found it was the rountine i missed the opening of a new fag packet and the lighting up. It was also something to do when waiting around. I think many people now subsitute their mobile, music player to fiddle with when they have that waiting around time..

    I used the cd's while having a nap like nigel did and read a book mind gym which had a good section where you need to find the reasons why you dont wanna smoke and use those as inner arguments (ie if your mind says why the hell you doing this your half way there at least for me)

    Also exercise but jogging in Phill may not be so easy as it is in the UK as when I have done it as well as the heat and humidty the strange looks you get and beggar kids running after you does put you off a touch
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  17. #17
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Each time you fancy a fag, tell yourself...

    Smoking's a mugs game.
    What idiot fills his lungs with poison just for fun?
    Smokers stink.
    I'm too intelligent to smoke.
    Smokers die a horrible death.

    That'll help

  18. #18
    Respected Member belfast_dude's Avatar
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    will helped me stop smoking....he was great...his second name was power.....a great help was stopped 8 years one go...and never looked back....i did read a book....i can remember the title...." how to stop amoking and stayed stopped"...but cannot remember the writer....i think it was a famale doctor....but it was a great help.......good luck y'all

  19. #19
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    I'm thankful no one has disputed the fact that smoking is bad for you. Clearly there are many ways for individuals to give up. Scare tactics don't work with everyone, but it's of interest (and alarming) that well over 100,000 deaths (over a fifth) a year in the UK are attributed to smoking , with a similar number in the Philippines (accurate figures are impossible to obtain). As I understand it, advertising is not banned by the Philippines Government Health Department (although health risk advice must be given), there are no national laws prohibiting minors from smoking, many vendors of cigarettes are children, and smoking is not banned in public places (with exceptions like Makati).

  20. #20
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    I'm thankful no one has disputed the fact that smoking is bad for you. Clearly there are many ways for individuals to give up. Scare tactics don't work with everyone, but it's of interest (and alarming) that well over 100,000 deaths (over a fifth) a year in the UK are attributed to smoking , with a similar number in the Philippines (accurate figures are impossible to obtain). As I understand it, advertising is not banned by the Philippines Government Health Department (although health risk advice must be given), there are no national laws prohibiting minors from smoking, many vendors of cigarettes are children, and smoking is not banned in public places (with exceptions like Makati).
    I found it amazing in phill that a tiny kid could be sent up the road to the sari sari to buy a few sticks and often the person selling them was a kid themsleves
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  21. #21
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    My mother was a heavy smoker. 30 plus a day!

    She died in 2004 after having cancer for almost 2 years.. Smoking related, as it was lung cancer that also spread to her stomach My father also died of cancer when I was a small child. He too was a heavy smoker, but I think he smoked a lot more than my mother.

    I grew up with smoke all around me, something I attribute to my life as a none smoker. Two of my sisters still continue to smoke despite seeing first hand the downsides to it, I guess it is just too difficult for them.

    All I can say Alan, is keep trying. If at first you don't succeed. Try, and try again!

  22. #22
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    My mother was a heavy smoker. 30 plus a day!

    She died in 2004 after having cancer for almost 2 years.. Smoking related, as it was lung cancer that also spread to her stomach My father also died of cancer when I was a small child. He too was a heavy smoker, but I think he smoked a lot more than my mother.

    I grew up with smoke all around me, something I attribute to my life as a none smoker. Two of my sisters still continue to smoke despite seeing first hand the downsides to it, I guess it is just too difficult for them.

    All I can say Alan, is keep trying. If at first you don't succeed. Try, and try again!

    Sorry to hear that you lost parents at such a young age-must have been pretty hard. Cancer affects so many people. I can never understand how when people have seen what it can do close-hand can still continue.

    My best friend and his mum smoke and whenever I go round, I either put older clothes on and ones that I'll be putting in the wash soon as I don't like getting my new best/clean on clothes all smokey. Everything that was white in their kitchen is now light beige whereas my white paintwork is pure white even though it was painted less recently than the white in their kitchen. All that beige tobacco (but much worse as theirs years & years of it) is coating all their insides.

  23. #23
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    ..............smoking last night!

    Started again this morning though!

    Has anybody ever succeeded in this enterprise and, if so, how did you do it?

    I used to be a chain smoker, then my Bf, who is now my husband asked me if I can stop... I just stop! But it was hard though because I craved for sweets. Now, I can live without nicotine.

  24. #24
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Well, I'm a dedicated pipe-smoker ... it's part of my life! But it has also long been my wont to enjoy one fag a day. Yes, ONE - honestly! [After my main meal!]. And, for all that, I remain healthy ... and have NO real desire to quit, although I CAN easily do without for many hours (when away from my computer, that is!).

    Whilst in the Phils, however, I couldn't find pipe tobacco "for love nor money" and had to resort to buying 'Hope' cigarettes ( far better quality than the crap sold in the UK - and infinitely cheaper too!!) being none too keen on cigars.

  25. #25
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    [QUOTE=Arthur Little;199345] Well, I'm a dedicated pipe-smoker ... it's part of my life! But it has also long been my wont to enjoy one fag a day. Yes, ONE - honestly! [After my main meal!]. And, for all that, I remain healthy ..

    Arthur, I'm happy for you, and long may your good health last ! Smoking pipes or cigars is less damaging to health than cigarettes, but all forms of tobacco smoking are harmful . I rest my case !

  26. #26
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    I quit overnight in March 1986, I used to smoke 40 a day and up to 60 at weekends, would often run out of money and end up smoking roll ups the rest of the week.

    I had stopped and started a few times during the 10 years I smoked, the waste of money was, in the end, the biggest motivator for me but of course tobacco is not taxed so heavily in the Phils and hence it's much more affordable.

    Best thing I ever did, after a few weeks it's only habit and association that get you back into it.

    One thing is never kid yourself that you can try one after a few months and stop again very few people can pull off that trick.

    Break the associations between events in your daily routine and the times you smoke.

    Always keep an eye open for old associations like meeting an old friend that you used to share a smoke with, sudden craving months later, it always lasts only a short time.

    Also do your best to break any association with drinking as your self control is obviously impaired at that point.

    Finally an important one is not to tell the whole world you have stopped, you are only setting yourself up for failure, you are not doing it for them you are doing it for yourself and I think it is easier to just do it and politely refuse offers of smokes and try not to get drawn into conversations about smoking.

    Good luck Alan, hope you succeed.


  27. #27
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    i was a smoker too... just woke up one day not wanting to smoke anymore... then after that, i discoverd i got diabetes... that made me stop smoking totally... hehehe...

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    i was a smoker too... just woke up one day not wanting to smoke anymore... then after that, i discoverd i got diabetes... that made me stop smoking totally... hehehe...
    Well done for giving up smoking ! Smokers are at increased risk for "Type 2 diabetes" (the usual type), because of increased insulin resistance. If you put on weight after stopping smoking there's also a risk of diabetes, but the health benefits of giving up smoking outweigh that risk. It's becoming commoner in the UK and Philippines (and elsewhere), mainly related to diet, lack of exercise and weight gain.

  29. #29
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Based on the number of EX-smokers, in particular, who've already contributed to this thread ... I guess those of us puffing away merrily would, doubtless, find ourselves in the minority ... were a "survey" to be conducted amongst forum members.

    Smoking is a habit ... we ALL know that! Moreover, it's an extremely addictive habit. And like ALL addictions, it is hardly conduicive to healthy living; indeed there's no disputing the fact that ... like EVERY other habit-forming "drug" ... tobacco is highly toxic and detrimental to physical wellbeing - IF indulged-in to excess.

    In reiterating what I've said previously on the subject, I do not wish to come across as complacent when saying I'M lucky in that ... for some inexplicable reason ... I AM able to control my intake of the "noxious weed". Sadly, there are many, many more, for whom 'moderation in all things' is virtually impossible. Those are the people who NEED to give up. For them, total abstinence is the only way forward.

    Generally speaking, I tend to confine my pipesmoking *enjoyment [and I DO *relish it - otherwise I wouldn't continue!] to my middle bedroom ... that I now use purely as an "office" ... wherein my computer is located. This ensures no one else is affected by the reek.

    By contrast, this very afternoon, I was a passenger on the upper level of a double-deck bus. A few rows behind me. "sat" a bunch of unruly youths ... whose previous "port of call" had obviously been a pub, from the racket they were making - not to mention their "flowery" language. Thankfully, the journey from the town centre to the outskirts - where I reside - is a comparatively short one. But I really felt sorry for the other folk on board. The point I'm making here IS that, to MY mind, over-imbibing in alcohol consumption is a far bigger menace to society than smoking ever WAS or ever WILL be. Yet the advertising of strong liquor is allowed to persist ... while smokers (who are [usually] harming nobody but themselves - especially nowadays, with the draconian laws/breach of civil liberties imposed by the present government) are frequently treated as "lepers" and lambasted at almost every opportunity.

  30. #30
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    Arthur, you ARE lucky ! What I have said about smoking (and diabetes) is "evidence based" and not just my opinion. I'm only qualified to talk about health, not politics. But you're right, we do seem to have a problem with alcohol which seems unique to the UK. Britons are now drinking three times as much as fifty years ago, and booze causes many thousands of deaths with rates of alcoholic liver disease soaring. It's easier for me as a (retired) health professional to give the facts, far more difficult to suggest a solution when our Commons Health Committee admits the drinks industry and supermarkets hold more power over government alcohol policies than expert health professionals !
    The Philippines does not have such a problem with alcohol, to my knowledge. At New Year my filipina girlfriend had one glass of wine with relatives in Manila.

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