Alan, I concede that my "luck" is probably due to the fact that I seem to have inherited the genes of my maternal grandfather, who ... in spite of having contracted pneumonia twice during his lifetime ... smoked a pipe all his days and lived to be 97 - ultimately dying of apparently natural causes in 1979. Unlike many of my father's family [including my dad himself] who suffered bronchitic ailments for much of THEIR lives - rarely surviving beyond their mid-70s! So, perhaps at MY stage in life - being an "infant" pensioner - I really OUGHT to heed *your wise counsel as a *health professional! Thank you, my friend ... I honestly appreciate your concern for the wellbeing of others.
Conversely, my first wife ... who NEVER smoked ... died at the age of 52 from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - having been on steroid treatment for many years to treat severe Rheumatoid Arthritis [not Arth(u)ritis I hasten to add!]
Actually, I fairly recently discovered that I'm a "borderline" diabetic ... and have been advised to curtail my intake of fizzy - even diet - soft drinks. Also, I've to take Simvistatin every night now, following surgery two years ago to remove a build up of plaque from my left carotid artery. As a result I have since been forced to cut back drastically on fatty foods ... in order to stabilise my cholesterol levels. So, I really SHOULD quit smoking altogether.
I reckon my earlier "tirade" stemmed from suppressedabout the behaviour of these yobos on the bus. And
that something (God knows what!) needs to be done to curb binge drinking - particularly among the young.