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Thread: I gave up..............

  1. #31
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    Arthur, you ARE lucky ! What I have said about smoking (and diabetes) is "evidence based" and not just my opinion. I'm only qualified to talk about health, not politics. But you're right, we do seem to have a problem with alcohol which seems unique to the UK. Britons are now drinking three times as much as fifty years ago, and booze causes many thousands of deaths with rates of alcoholic liver disease soaring. It's easier for me as a (retired) health professional to give the facts, far more difficult to suggest a solution when our Commons Health Committee admits the drinks industry and supermarkets hold more power over government alcohol policies than expert health professionals !
    The Philippines does not have such a problem with alcohol, to my knowledge. At New Year my filipina girlfriend had one glass of wine with relatives in Manila.
    Alan, I concede that my "luck" is probably due to the fact that I seem to have inherited the genes of my maternal grandfather, who ... in spite of having contracted pneumonia twice during his lifetime ... smoked a pipe all his days and lived to be 97 - ultimately dying of apparently natural causes in 1979. Unlike many of my father's family [including my dad himself] who suffered bronchitic ailments for much of THEIR lives - rarely surviving beyond their mid-70s! So, perhaps at MY stage in life - being an "infant" pensioner - I really OUGHT to heed *your wise counsel as a *health professional! Thank you, my friend ... I honestly appreciate your concern for the wellbeing of others.

    Conversely, my first wife ... who NEVER smoked ... died at the age of 52 from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - having been on steroid treatment for many years to treat severe Rheumatoid Arthritis [not Arth(u)ritis I hasten to add!]

    Actually, I fairly recently discovered that I'm a "borderline" diabetic ... and have been advised to curtail my intake of fizzy - even diet - soft drinks. Also, I've to take Simvistatin every night now, following surgery two years ago to remove a build up of plaque from my left carotid artery. As a result I have since been forced to cut back drastically on fatty foods ... in order to stabilise my cholesterol levels. So, I really SHOULD quit smoking altogether.

    I reckon my earlier "tirade" stemmed from suppressed about the behaviour of these yobos on the bus. And that something (God knows what!) needs to be done to curb binge drinking - particularly among the young.

  2. #32
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Where you live and work Al it might be more healthy to give up breathing
    Absit invidia

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  3. #33
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    I smoke like the minority on this thread. I smoke after meals and stay on 3-4 cigarettes a day and none on weekends. I avoid to smoke when I'm with my husband as sign of respect as he doesn't like the smell of cigarettes, I know that one day he will ask me to stop definitely.

    I would like to call myself as a pleasure smoker instead of heavy-manic-nervous smoker. When I lit a cigarette I do enjoy every puff not to mention the orgasm effect of cigarette after coffee . I like that private moment where I am with myself enjoying a puff.

    As Arthur has mentioned on his previous post, there's a lot more things out there that are more hazardous to our health anything that is indulged in to excess is harmful. Food-alcohol-medicines are just few to mention.

    I keep myself fit this includes cycling for 30 miles on weekends and walking to work and gym sessions (starting next week), I eat a healthy diet, fresh fruits and yoghurt smoothie first thing in the morning and lots of veggie and fruits during the day to compensate my smoking and I do an overall health check up every year.

    After a long mind boggling thoughts on whether to stop or not I reached a compromise with myself, I will enjoy every pleasure in this life but I will hold myself to be responsible to control any desire of excess.

    At the moment all I can say is that I'm a happy pleasure smoker

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  4. #34
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    I smoke like the minority on this thread. I smoke after meals and stay on 3-4 cigarettes a day and none on weekends. I avoid to smoke when I'm with my husband as sign of respect as he doesn't like the smell of cigarettes, I know that one day he will ask me to stop definitely.

    I would like to call myself as a pleasure smoker instead of heavy-manic-nervous smoker. When I lit a cigarette I do enjoy every puff not to mention the orgasm effect of cigarette after coffee . I like that private moment where I am with myself enjoying a puff.

    As Arthur has mentioned on his previous post, there's a lot more things out there that are more hazardous to our health anything that is indulged in to excess is harmful. Food-alcohol-medicines are just few to mention.

    I keep myself fit this includes cycling for 30 miles on weekends and walking to work and gym sessions (starting next week), I eat a healthy diet, fresh fruits and yoghurt smoothie first thing in the morning and lots of veggie and fruits during the day to compensate my smoking and I do an overall health check up every year.

    After a long mind boggling thoughts on whether to stop or not I reached a compromise with myself, I will enjoy every pleasure in this life but I will hold myself to be responsible to control any desire of excess.

    At the moment all I can say is that I'm a happy pleasure smoker
    Good girl ... that's what I like to hear ... all things pleasurable, in moderation!

  5. #35
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    Re: I gave up..............

    I gave up smoking a few months before. I stopped smoking by taking a hypnosis treatment from yadada they guided me in a better way. They provided many good tips and the best treatments to stop smoking. The tips given by them was more helpful for me. After following their treatment i was completely recovered from smoking. I became a non-smoker now and i feel mentally and physically fit.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    ..............smoking last night!

    Started again this morning though!

    Has anybody ever succeeded in this enterprise and, if so, how did you do it?

    It's only a matter of discipline sir.

    I know how to smoke. If you give me menthol cigarettes, I can smoke.
    I don't know but I only smoke if someone gives me.
    I disciplined myself not to BUY!
    But never I drink alcohol.

  7. #37
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    But never I drink alcohol.
    ... That's the "spirit", Pen! Seriously, though, hard liquor is much more damaging [particularly in so far as its effect on others is concerned] when indulged in to excess (as it all too often IS, nowadays!). But then, I much prefer the taste of soft drinks, myself! And Myrna never touches alcohol. So possibly I'm biased!

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    , But then, I much prefer the taste of soft drinks, myself! And Myrna never touches alcohol. So possibly I'm biased!
    For Something made in Scotland from "Girrrrddderrrrs"...?

  9. #39
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    For Something made in Scotland from "Girrrrddderrrrs"...?
    Corrrrrrrrrrrrrrect ... Barr's Irn Bru ... land's ither famous drink ... beats Scotch Whisky "doon the hatch", any day! Cheers!

  10. #40
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Corrrrrrrrrrrrrrect ... Barr's Irn Bru ... land's ither famous drink ... beats Scotch Whisky "doon the hatch", any day! Cheers!
    I thought you all drank Buckfast up there Arthur.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    I thought you all drank Buckfast up there Arthur.
    That stuff is "murrrderrrr"....

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    ..............smoking last night!

    Started again this morning though!

    Has anybody ever succeeded in this enterprise and, if so, how did you do it?

    I'm maybe losing the thread (or plot, or sense of humour) but I understood this was a serious attempt to stop smoking. It's bad for you .... fact. It affects others (secondary smoking) ... fact. It costs more in personal ill health, and the health service (whether NHS, Philippines, or any other country than alcohol misuse ... fact. I assumed my namesake recognised this in asking how to give up smoking. With respect, few Filipinos have heard of Barr's Irn Bru ... there's no clinical trial to my knowledge which proves it's a cure for smoking addiction.
    I'm sorry, but this is a serious matter and I hope my namesake, Alan, has gained some useful advice. I wish you well Alan.

  13. #43
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    I'm maybe losing the thread (or plot, or sense of humour) but I understood this was a serious attempt to stop smoking. It's bad for you .... fact. It affects others (secondary smoking) ... fact. It costs more in personal ill health, and the health service (whether NHS, Philippines, or any other country than alcohol misuse ... fact. I assumed my namesake recognised this in asking how to give up smoking. With respect, few Filipinos have heard of Barr's Irn Bru ... there's no clinical trial to my knowledge which proves it's a cure for smoking addiction.
    I'm sorry, but this is a serious matter and I hope my namesake, Alan, has gained some useful advice. I wish you well Alan.
    that there has been some *digression ... and that 'Barr's Irn Bru' is one *such example. But, to be fair, Alan, smoking has become such a contentious issue, over the past 4/5 decades, that people ... not only on this forum, but in general ... just want a bit of [even seemingly inane] banter, for the sake of "lightening up" an otherwise serious debate.

  14. #44
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The best way to stop is before each drag dip the filter in dog poo.....
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    that there has been some *digression ... and that 'Barr's Irn Bru' is one *such example. But, to be fair, Alan, smoking has become such a contentious issue.
    ... meaning causing disagreement or controversy ??? Really ??? I will leave the lightening up and jokes to others. If people wish to continue smoking despite the risks which are proven beyond doubt, despite the suffering it causes, despite the pain and sorrow of losing a dear friend or relative from smoking ( 1 in 5 deaths in the UK), then let them carry on. Alan, my namesake, wanted help and I repeat my good wishes to you, Alan.

  16. #46
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    When ever has one of Alans posts caused controversy...???

    He wants to stop smoking..... He cannot according to him...

    At least he is trying.

    Yeah... Very, very trying....

    I tried to stop many times over the years, I did even do an 11 month stretch without a single smoke, but somehow cirscumstances made me start again.

    After my recent heart attack, which smoking may or may not have contributed to , I decided to put the time spent in hospital to good use and go cold turkey.

    None of them namby-pamby faggoty gums, tic-tac stuff or patches for me again.

    After nearly three months, I still kind of miss it, but I know that I can easily live without it.
    I don't know if I am any happier, as I am piling on the weight, but I feel slightly healthier in a strange sort of way...

  17. #47
    Member vis-a-vis's Avatar
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    Hi Alan, champix is worth a try, it worked for me for four months although i was silly and started smoking again.
    Main issue with champix was disrupted sleep but compared to damage of smoking was a small price.

    Your right Arthur, serious issues need some light more than light-hearted ones.

    Irn-Bru only ever helps with hangovers but it did help me quit for a few months because it wasn't tea or coffee, so i used it as an alternative.
    As for Buckfast, i would give that a miss during the first few weeks of quitting, even when i quit there was a few nights when i smoked a few after drinking a bottle but same goes for any alcohol.
    Dont be too hard on yourself if this happens, main thing is your not smoking day-to-day

    good luck

  18. #48
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    And the simple fact that Ciggies in Phil cost less than 30 pence for 20......

    Doesn't help...!!!!

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    When ever has one of Alans posts caused controversy...???

    After nearly three months, I still kind of miss it, but I know that I can easily live without it.
    I don't know if I am any happier, as I am piling on the weight, but I feel slightly healthier in a strange sort of way...
    I can tell you Dom, without meeting you or examining you (!) you ARE healthier, even if you gain weight.
    I would rightly lose any reps I might have or be banned from this Forum, and by the General Medical Council (but I'm retired anyway) if I ever joked about smoking.

  20. #50
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    the cheapness of the fortunes was a nightmare,

    I quit partly for my girlfriend.For about 4 months prior to us meeting i gave up and then in the last week before i flew over there i started again.

    the stress of meeting a girl you think you might love but have never met, and the workload beforehand so that my bosses would give me the time off work never helped.
    I am really scared of flying so was bricking it also he.
    The worst bit of this was trying to appear sincere when explaining that i had quit but started again just before we met

  21. #51
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I don't know if I am any happier, as I am piling on the weight...
    Never noticed, I thought you'd always had a big
    Keith - Administrator

  22. #52
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    [SIZE=4][SIZE=4]I tried to stop many times over the years, I did even do an 11 month stretch without a single smoke, but somehow cirscumstances made me start again.

    After my recent heart attack, which smoking may or may not have contributed to , I decided to put the time spent in hospital to good use and go cold turkey.

    None of them namby-pamby faggoty gums, tic-tac stuff or patches for me again.

    After nearly three months, I still kind of miss it, but I know that I can easily live without it.
    I don't know if I am any happier, as I am piling on the weight, but I feel slightly healthier in a strange sort of way...
    Like you, Dom, I tried breaking the habit several times ... [in MY case] without really wanting to; on each occasion, I was simply testing my willpower. Then, on Father's Day, 2005, I seriously decided to quit ... at my family's insistence ... and remained "smokeless" for nearly 4 months - without any "ill- effects" - before starting again when I visited China, because tobacco products were a lot cheaper in the Orient.

    I stopped *once again when the Scottish Parliament implemented the Ban on in Public Places ... and *THIS time, managed to abstain for seven months - with even less difficulty than before!

    It's too long a tale to recount HERE, why I resumed the "love affair" with my pipe. Suffice to say, it seemed a suitable means of combatting the anxiety I suffered during the long waiting period when my daughter was having her first child delivered by caesarean section.

    Thus, I have continued ever since. But I would reiterate ... in moderation! Unlike Dom, I cannot imagine living the rest of my life WITHOUT being able to enjoy a smoke now and then. And, likewise, I differ from "Cebu Alan" in that I honestly have NO wish to give up. To say otherwise, I would be being less than truthful ... and that simply ISN'T ME!

  23. #53
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    Another smoker here :beatnik2: I've had a few attempts at quitting over the past 20 years, usually whenever I travel abroad I'll set off with the attention to quit, doesn't always last long though, its usually when I'm back in the UK, same routine and habits, I'll start up again. Depends on the company you keep also. I keep relatively fit, but do sometimes feel tight chested if I over do it. Set myself a target to stop before I'm 40, hopefully long before then.

  24. #54
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i have had 1 puff in all my life and , wonder why anyone would start smoking but i can't stop playing games..
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    but do sometimes feel tight chested if I over do it. .
    That's how my heart attack started.....

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    i have had 1 puff in all my life

    Admissions at long last.....

  27. #57
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    So far, less than a third views and replies on this topic than South East Boy's "text messages" topic .....I give up !

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    So far, less than a third views and replies on this topic than South East Boy's "text messages" topic .....I give up !

  29. #59
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    So far, less than a third views and replies on this topic than South East Boy's "text messages" topic .....I give up !
    not many filipinas smoke but they do like juicy gossip

    and you will notice some thread's are men only
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  30. #60
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    I really must stop smoking and now that my brand (ones that come in a gold packet and the manufacturer's name has the initials B & H..... just making sure I can't be accused of advertising without permission) has reached the ridiculous price of £5.98 even in a supermarket, I have devised a cunning plan that even Baldrick would be proud of.

    I'm going buy all of my ciggies with a credit card and I'm going to use one of my credit cards exclusively for the purchase ciggies in the hope that when I get the credit card statement in for that card, I'll be so disgusted with myself for wasting all that money and my lack of willpower, I'll stop smoking the stupid things forever.


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