HELP please
happy new year to all members and there family's

Im going to apply for a spouse visa as soon as my divorce comes through ,
Anyway i meet this lovely lady from Cebu , and iv known her since April last year !! and been to visit her twice now !! and she might be pregnant , but not sure yet cos its still early day ! but if so the baby would be due in early August !!

as i said before we are going to apply for a spouse visa !! but im a bit lost !!

could you tell me about the Biometrics data , and about pre marriage seminar ,and CFO counselling ! would all this have to be done before we get married !! and how long do they last i.e. 3 months ? or do they last longer ? what i mean is if we do to early could they run out of date !!

Also when i go to Cebu maybe in April , and start to apply for visa etc, i know we have to get married first !! but is there anything else i need to do !! i know about the CNI form !! would that be better to get it from the uk ?
and how long do you think i should i need to stay for !! as im self employed and don't get paid while im not working !!

And where is the best convenient place to stay in Manila
I have also heard that its a lot quicker now to get Visa ! is that true and why ?
And if you members got any other advice i would be very grateful !!

also if my future wife is pregnant ! would it be in my best interest to tell them this in or at the visa office or form !! or best not to ?

once again many thanks for your time and thoughts
