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Thread: Tourist (Visit) Visa Help

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Timmy's Avatar
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    Tourist (Visit) Visa Help


    Been to Philippines a few times and now my Girlfriend wants to come visit me in the UK.

    I read some of the threads and it doesnt seem easy.

    I'm a UK Citizen she's Filipino

    We are not married just boyfriend girlfriend and literally she just wants to visit for a few weeks, maybe one day we will get married but for now were just BF GF

    Any advice

    I don't believe she has too much money in her acc and I haven't always been totally flush in the last 6 months but could put a few thousand in my account now for us to apply in 3 months.

    Is it better for me to do this or give her money to put into her account in the Philippines.

    From what I'm reading it's really difficult for her to get this tourist visa.

    More facts she has no property and works part time.
    I live in the uk rented accomodation.
    I might be able to get my parents to sponsor.
    I've been to PH a few times and can prove with photos.

    The charity she also works for has ties in the uk so we may be able to provide facts that she will be doing some charity fundraising here>

    Any suggestions would be welcome.

    Some of you may ask why I don't just go there, it's just that I want her to get a feel for the UK

    Am I better off just starting to put loads of money in my uk account and apply in 6 months

  2. #2
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Hello Timmy, at first I thought it is very difficult to get a tourism visa for me and my 2 kids to visit my fiance. I have made lots of searches in this site and have been asking lots of questions, some said it would impossible for me and my kids to get the visa because of many reasons (no enough money in my account, no properties). But still i we were able to get the visit visa. All you need to to supply all the necessary documents to support in the application, and in your sponsorship letter, explain your relationship honestly, and how important the visit is. On the part of your GF, a letter for her employer granting a leave of absence on specific dates is important even though its a part time job. She can also ask help from her employer an additional certification stating how important she is in the institution.

    Hopefully this will help you Timmy, but I'm sure there are lots of members in this site that has good ideas than mine. You may also read previous threads about visit visas. Good luck Timmy. :-)

  3. #3
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    Tourist visas for Filipinos are hit and miss, though recently it seems there has been a reasonable amount of sucess from people on this forum. You definately need to show some money in your account (no point transfering it to her account) for at least a few months (6 months would be idea as you wouldn't have to show the money appearing) to show you can pay for her flights and support her during her holiday here - obviously the longer she is planning to stay here the more money you need.

    Do not mention at all that there is a possibility of her doing charity fundraising here, as that is work (even if it would unpaid) and is not allowed on a tourist visa.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Tourist visas are notoriously hard to get, most are turned down.
    Having said that, it's not a lot of money to lose (around £65 I think?), so is probably worth the gamble.

    Whatever happens, if she is successful, forget the charity fundraising idea, as she wont be able to do work of any description. If caught, it could jeopordise future visa applications....We play by the rules here.

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Hello again, Timmy.

    with Sim11UK that Visit/Tourist Visas ARE reckoned to be notoriously hard to get. Nonetheless, I'm encouraged by aryM's post ... which proves they CAN be obtained - sometimes defying seemigly impossible odds against - as she has indicated. So, on that basis, it may well be worth your girlfriend's while forking out the relatively small fee of around £65 ... and taking her chance!

    But, as has already been stressed, she should refrain from mentioning doing EVEN charity work, since it is definitely NOT allowed under the terms of anything less than a Spousal Visa!

    Good Luck to her!

  6. #6
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    it also seems that honesty in the sponsorhip letter about the relationship and reason for visit is important - I knew someone who's UK girlfriend's parents were sponsoring his app and they thought it best not to mention their relationship - when it was turned down they were told it would have been better to be honest up front - their biggest concern is that people jump ship into illegal employment whilst here on a toursit visa - good luck

  7. #7
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    Not just because some members here had got one, we can say its easy, I am on my v/v and its also easy for me, but I wont say its the same to everyone, it is depend on the ECO but I suggest TRY IT! NO HARM IN TRYING, fee wasnt that expensive also, give it a try

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