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Thread: Need help please

  1. #1
    Member lenboy's Avatar
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    Need help please

    HELP please
    happy new year to all members and there family's

    Im going to apply for a spouse visa as soon as my divorce comes through ,
    Anyway i meet this lovely lady from Cebu , and iv known her since April last year !! and been to visit her twice now !! and she might be pregnant , but not sure yet cos its still early day ! but if so the baby would be due in early August !!

    as i said before we are going to apply for a spouse visa !! but im a bit lost !!

    could you tell me about the Biometrics data , and about pre marriage seminar ,and CFO counselling ! would all this have to be done before we get married !! and how long do they last i.e. 3 months ? or do they last longer ? what i mean is if we do to early could they run out of date !!

    Also when i go to Cebu maybe in April , and start to apply for visa etc, i know we have to get married first !! but is there anything else i need to do !! i know about the CNI form !! would that be better to get it from the uk ?
    and how long do you think i should i need to stay for !! as im self employed and don't get paid while im not working !!

    And where is the best convenient place to stay in Manila
    I have also heard that its a lot quicker now to get Visa ! is that true and why ?
    And if you members got any other advice i would be very grateful !!

    also if my future wife is pregnant ! would it be in my best interest to tell them this in or at the visa office or form !! or best not to ?

    once again many thanks for your time and thoughts


  2. #2
    Respected Member MarBell379's Avatar
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    Hello chap

    Biometrics is simple. They just take fingerprints or retinal scans when you go to apply for the Visa. Nothing invasive as far as I can tell.

    The CFO is the last thing that needs doing before she leaves for the UK. It can be done earlier, but they wont issue the yellow slip until after a Visa is issued so its a bit pointless. You dont need it before you get married if you get married in Phils, but she will need it before she can leave Phils to be with you. DON'T forget this. People have been turned around at the airport after theyve booked and paid for flights because they havent been to CFO!

    I'm pretty sure you'll need a CNI from the UK, and I THINK you need to get it confirmed in Philippines, but I dont know where or how - sorry.

    You can only stay in Philippines for 21 days without getting your Visa extended (unless you're married to a filipina already). I'm told you can do this over there, and I think it can be done at the airport but I expect there would be a 'fee' to pay - ask at passport control when you arrive if you havent sorted it out before you go.

    I know people who have gotten married over there in civil ceremonies on a 2 week break, but the Visa is likely to take longer. They have been quicker recently - until September people were waiting 3 month MINIMUM and often a lot longer. Rona's came through in 5 weeks and Ive heard of other quicker ones. No guarantees here though I'm afraid. I would plan on 3 Months with capability and hopes you can bring it forward.

    The key thing with Visas and sponsorship letters is PROOF.
    Proof that you have a real relationship, and proof that you can afford to support both of you without recourse to state funding in the UK. Sort that bit out and most of the rest is just box ticking.

    Good luck!
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  3. #3
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    Yes you have to get CNI from the Uk from Registrar Office. Notification has to be posted in UK for 21 days in case someone objects or something like that and then you get the CNI which you basically have to exchange at the British Embassy in Manila. Not VFS but the actual Embassy.

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