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Thread: salary requirements

  1. #1
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    salary requirements

    my husband is earning an average of 400 pounds a week after tax..sometimes more. wonder if thats enough as our savings didnt come up at the moment coz he sends our allowance every month which like 400 to 600 a month.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    it's not so much what he earns, its what he has left after paying bills etc that matters, he needs to show he can support you, so you will not need recourse to public funds ..

    there is no minimum figure from the government he needs to earn to support you, but a figure of around £100 a week after paying rent/mortgage and community charge has been mentioned in appeal cases,

    but to improve your chances of getting your visa, he should ideally have around £3,000+ in the bank and be working, what he earns is ok, but it could be a good idea to do a budget of his incomings and out goings to show he can support you.

  3. #3
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    Hi, I am in a similar situation with income and very concerned about our application - planning on feb - but with approx £3000 in current account on top of income hope we'll be OK. I am planning to attach a budget that shows outgoings now and predicted budget for when my husband is with me, it won't be +£100 per week and will need to show reduced phone bills and childcare to prove that I can support him - its going to be very tight and it worries me but I have no way of getting a better salary so we'll have to go with what we've got - will let you know the outcome...(in a few months I guesss)

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    Hi, I am in a similar situation with income and very concerned about our application - planning on feb - but with approx £3000 in current account on top of income hope we'll be OK. I am planning to attach a budget that shows outgoings now and predicted budget for when my husband is with me, it won't be +£100 per week and will need to show reduced phone bills and childcare to prove that I can support him - its going to be very tight and it worries me but I have no way of getting a better salary so we'll have to go with what we've got - will let you know the outcome...(in a few months I guesss)
    it's not £100 a week after you've paid everything, just your rent/mortgage and community charge, but i wouldn't use that figure anyway , its only a minimum guide

    well for the next couple of months borrow a a bit of money from friends or use your credit card to help increase your savings and make it look that your out goings are small as possible ,but obviously you will have to include outgoings items that are on your bank statements

    does your husband have a skill ? you could mention that and once in the UK he will seek employment and so minimise the chances even further he would need recourse to public funds

    as long as you're working and have savings you should be ok, if you're budget don't look good, don't send it then !!, i never sent one , but if its good i would

  5. #5
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    we have savings in the bank like 3000+ at the moment and he is regular in his job now

  6. #6
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    we have at least 3000+ saving at the moment. he is regular in his job and his boss promised him they would make a letter that would help us for visa thing. I have been working before as an accounting associates so when in UK hopefully i can use my profession or any other work to help my husband with our finances. Is it ok to say to the application that i will work once in UK?

  7. #7
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    Hi - thanks Joe bloggs for words of wisdom was pondering the value of sending a tight budget - they might nto notice too much!! i'm afraid I stay away from credit cards though so they won't help- nasty things! Am being careful to spend under my means!

    Gparry2007 - its fine to say you're going to work - I'll be expecting my husband to find work when he gets here (well look anyway, its not easy at the minute!) and its very common for mothers to work at least part-time if not full-time and with your skill you sound very qualified!

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gparry2007 View Post
    I have been working before as an accounting associates so when in UK hopefully i can use my profession or any other work to help my husband with our finances. Is it ok to say to the application that i will work once in UK?
    yes, If the financial standing is marginal, and if the applicant has plans to work in the UK, a job offer letter can be included to bolster the application's strength; and failing all other evidence, the applicant may attach a CV (or academic credentials) which demonstrate favorable prospects. Note however, that this is generally the weakest form of evidence, but better than nothing

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