Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
You don't need beta blockers or Viagra ! But even at this late date, you do need to visit your GP for advice ("risk assessment"), if you have not already done so, about travel to the Philippines. You might need to purchase and start antimalarials a week before you go. You should have been vaccinated against tetanus, hepatitis A, and typhoid. Other vaccines ( diphtheria, tuberculosis, hepatitis B, rabies, cholera) may be considered depending on where you travel and what you intend doing while you are in the country. There is a Vaccination information Service ( https://vis.spmsd.co.uk) with more details. I'm sure also you will have arranged comprehensive travel insurance.
That's it doc... You have put him right off the trip.....

Yup, the house doc is right... Prevention is better than cure.
Don't listen to the people that say that in all the years of traveling it never happened to them, so it would be pointless.....

As the lottery ad says... "It may be you"....




Stay safe.