Thank you all for you kind wishes and good advice (well... mostly. I might not take a map of brothels) I went to see the nurse today, and she said I needed a slap for leaving it so late
. She got her revenge though. She gave me jabs for polio, tetanus, diphtheria, hepatitis A and typhoid. It was just two jabs, but my arms feel as though it was five. I've also got a course of antimalarials.
The recession does make it tougher financially. I haven't had much of a pay rise for a couple of years now, but as long as I don't lose my job, I should be able to save up for occasional trips.
She is in Cebu, and I'm thinking I won't take her too far afield. I've had lots of jabs, but she hasn't, so I'll try to stay away from disease areas.