Hello Everyone,

This is a first for me guys & gals, so be gentle.

May i start by saying this is probably a very very very typical request you all may have heard a thousand times before, If so i apologise now. However i do not know the answers to the dilemma i have, so that's why i'm here.

I met a women in the Philippines 3 years ago whilst on holiday, and i have been going back there ever since. When we meet we travel around the country together and reaaly enjoy each others company. When i am in England we do not let a week go past without chatting on the phone or the Internet. I have met all her family friends and they have accepted me as her boyfriend. She has 2 kids to a previous marriage to a Philippino man, but this relationship finished 6 years ago. Its taken me 2 years (4 trips) to convince her to come to England, (Not To Get Married) just for a holiday this time, and only now is she considering it.

So my question is?

What do i need to know, in regards her visiting me. I have know idea about visa/passport stuff, all i know is she has a Philippino passport. I know there have been some horror stories which have started probably just like this, hence, why i am here. However i believe she is a good woman, but i still have questions...

Questions like:

How long can she stay for?
What should i be looking out for?
Do i need to report this to anyone?
Cheap flights from Manila to London?
Any tips, tricks, concerns i should be aware of?
What does she need to do over there before she comes over here?

I mean, any help/information/websites/advice positive or negative will be gratefully received.

Many Many thanks in advance.
