Hi everyone!
Hope things are all okay with you all..
Okay, so here's the background...i have been with my Filipina girlfriend for 16 months..out of thoese 16 months i have spent 11 in the Philippines with her.
I am 24, and she is 24.
We plan on getting married in May/June for sure this time! I will be there only for three weeks. I will have my CNI issued here, so it only needs a quick trip to the embassy in Manila for them to do whatever they do with it.
Heres my question..
Does the intention to marry HAVE to be displayed for 10 days in the town WHERE you plan to get married? Or can you display anywhere, then use the license somewhere else in the Phils?
We'd like to display in Angeles where we live, but get married in N.samar, a little island called Biri.
Whilst it is being displayed for the 10 days, can we leave the country for a short holiday?
..and what is this marriage counselling cert all about? we're 25, do we need one?
Thanks again :P
If anyone has recently got married in the phils, i'd really like to talk with them, there's so much online but it all slightly differs, and i'd really like the 3 weeks to go as smooth as possible.