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Thread: hi

  1. #1
    Member vis-a-vis's Avatar
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    Smile hi

    Hi everyone!
    am gary, 35 year old guy from Glasgow.I met an amazing girl on the internet last year.I had to meet her or i would go crazy, so went to pi for 5 weeks at the start of November.

    Finally meeting Leizel was scary but great and i knew that i did not want to be apart from her again.We applied for marriage visitor visa,which in hindsight was a mistake

    We went backpacking round the islands and hoped that we would get a decision before the end of the holiday.This never happened, and at the end of the holiday i flew back myself.I really didn't want to do this as i am completely in love but had to get back to my work.

    When i got home i found this site which really helped me, although the more i read the more i began to worry about the visitor visa being granted.Leizel's visa was declined on 23rd dec which was very difficult for both of us.

    We are now getting ready to apply for fiancee visa and would like thank everyone on the site.The site's being a massive help to both of us in deciding where to go from here.I have a few things i am unsure about and would really appreciate some advice on.

    My savings are much lower at the moment than usual. My family have said that they will help me out if this is a major issue. Would i be better to just acknowledge this on my sponsor letter and mention that family will help out if its required or is it better to get loan from family and put this my savings account?

    Also, does a previous failed application have any effect on the processing time of a new application?

    thanks everyone and Happy New year

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vis-a-vis View Post

    My savings are much lower at the moment than usual. My family have said that they will help me out if this is a major issue. Would i be better to just acknowledge this on my sponsor letter and mention that family will help out if its required or is it better to get loan from family and put this my savings account?

    Also, does a previous failed application have any effect on the processing time of a new application?

    thanks everyone and Happy New year
    3rd party financial support is not allowed , thou accommodation is

    a loan from your family is best, as mentioned today in other posts, put £3k+ in your savings account, don't send the statement where it shows the money going in your account , then start collecting 6 statements, its better you get it right, than have to appeal or re apply

    no a previous refusal shouldn't effect an app for a fiancee visa, unless deception was used

  3. #3
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum! Just keep reading as some of the info regarding fiancee visa has been posted already. You can use the search function. Good luck on your application.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vis-a-vis View Post
    Hi everyone!
    am gary, 35 year old guy from Glasgow.

    i began to worry about the visitor visa being granted.Leizel's visa was declined on 23rd dec.
    We are now getting ready to apply for fiancee visa ... does a previous failed application have any effect on the processing of a new application?

    thanks everyone and Happy New year
    , Gary from Glasgow ... and a Happy New Year to YOU, also!

    Vis-a-vis the refusal of Leizel's application, we've seen this happening all too frequently with Visit Visas. And the main reason seems to hinge on the authorities' basic uncertainty that the holder will return to his/her country of origin within its prescribed period of validity; at least that's the usual excuse put forward, anyway!

    But rest assured it's highly unlikely that a negative response will affect the processing of a subsequent request ... unless there's any reason to suspect that an applicant is trying to obtain entry to the UK under false pretences ... which clearly ISN'T the case here!

    So, I would suggest following the guidelines provided by Joe Bloggs!

    Good Luck!

  5. #5
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Hi there Gary! A 5 week holiday?! Wow! The place you work for must be genrerous with holidays! Must have cost a few pennies as well?!

  6. #6
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    welcome to the forum gary and all the best on the visa application
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

  7. #7
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum Gary.

    The secret of getting a successful visa for your partner is you both need to show to the British EMbassy that you're a genuine couple by providing lots of lots of evidences of your relationship pictures, emails, chat logs, plane tickets, etc. as well as providing all the supporting documents they takes a lot of time to do this but its worth it!

    Also it's helpful to read the official website about how to apply a visa to UK and ofcourse this forum has lots of experienced members who can give you advice...Pete's website which we always recommend was a top 1 but a shame for some reason it doesn't exist anymore.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  8. #8
    Member vis-a-vis's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    thanks everyone for the welcome.

    Hi LadyJ
    i am trying to get organized at the moment and for the first time in my life i am getting excited receiving phone bills etc
    Think am going to need it

    thanks sophie

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    3rd party financial support is not allowed , thou accommodation is

    a loan from your family is best, as mentioned today in other posts, put £3k+ in your savings account, don't send the statement where it shows the money going in your account , then start collecting 6 statements, its better you get it right, than have to appeal or re apply

    no a previous refusal shouldn't effect an app for a fiancee visa, unless deception was used
    thanks Joe for your advice
    even though it bad news for me.
    loan from my family is a thousand which still leaves me well short of the three thousand required.So it would be a year before i could save and then have the bank statements in order.
    I think in that time i would die
    i am just going to have to wing it and hope that savings dont mess it up.

    sorry another question here but would it now be better for my family to send this money directly to my fiancee,So that she could pay for the visa and i could concentrate on saving money from my current account?

    Quote Originally Posted by scottishbride View Post
    Welcome to the forum! Just keep reading as some of the info regarding fiancee visa has been posted already. You can use the search function. Good luck on your application.
    Thanks Scottishbride and sorry about not searching more

    Hi Arthur
    am from sunny Glasgow for my sins hehe
    the only reason we ended up going for the visit visa was because when we arrived at VFS we discovered that we could not pay for the fiancee visa using credit card It seemed like the right option If i had done more research and found this site earlier, then we would have stayed in Manilla longer to sort out finances and never have went for the visit visa

    Quote Originally Posted by South-east boy View Post
    Hi there Gary! A 5 week holiday?! Wow! The place you work for must be genrerous with holidays! Must have cost a few pennies as well?!
    i had to write a begging letter to my bosses and use all my annual leave in one go.It was fun at the time.i now realize that i am 35 yrs old and have 120 pounds to show for it and the embassy will know this as well .

    if anyone has any get rich ideas that would be a big help, i will consider pyramid schemes or even becoming a banker

  9. #9
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Smashing ATM's out with a digger, seems quite popular at the moment.

  10. #10
    Member vis-a-vis's Avatar
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    Hi sim , thanks for idea, its the only way any ATMs going to give me any cash in the near future. All i need to do now is learn how to hot wire a digger.They probably drive better in the snow as well

    i was thinking about trying to dig a well in my garden and sell some pure Scottish water to Saudi. A digger would be handy for that

  11. #11
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    The well idea sounds good...When you've finished with the digger, could I borrow it?

  12. #12
    Member vis-a-vis's Avatar
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    sure you can borrow it, i will try to supply a divining rod as well
    hope theres not just ice underground at the moment

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