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Thread: voluntary money order

  1. #1
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    voluntary money order

    hi all
    i have been self-employed for 3 months only and i am finding things difficult financially of late.i am marrying my phills gf in october but i dont want anything to jepordise her getting a uk visa.if i agreed to a voluntary money order where they put all your credit card debts etc into one affordable monthly sum -would this affect her visa application?thankyou.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    The ECO

    (Entry Clearance Officer) is merely interested in if u can support your wife/fiancee while she's
    in the UK WITHOUT recourse to public funds.

    .. so, no, it should NOT effect the visa application.

    ... BUT .... why mention it ???????

    There is no reference to include credit card outstandings, or other loans in your visa
    application ...... so don't muddy the waters by including any.

    All you have to do is provide 6mths' worth of bank statements... showing that you have
    sufficient funds to live on, and enough left over to feed another mouth. ie your new wife.

    So, if u do enter into an agreement with your CC companies...surely all that will appear
    on your bank statement is a monthly debit of XXX pounds to XYZ company.
    I'd leave it at that, and not offer any further explanation about the item.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well its not going to help, as the sponsor you're suppose to have enough money to support her, so she will not need recourse to public funds

    i take it this payment shows up on your bank statements, what does it say on the bank statement? does it mention loan etc? how much is your monthly payment ?

    i don't remember on the visa app form asking you how much in debt you are, so depending on the amount being paid ??? i might not even mention it, but if its a lot, they might question what the payment is for

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well its not going to help, as the sponsor you're suppose to have enough money to support her, so she will not need recourse to public funds

    i take it this payment shows up on your bank statements, what does it say on the bank statement? does it mention loan etc? how much is your monthly payment ?

    i don't remember on the visa app form asking you how much in debt you are, so depending on the amount being paid ??? i might not even mention it, but if its a lot, they might question what the payment is for
    thankyou both for your help...i hav several different bank accounts,can i hide that re-payment account and show only 6 months bank statements from another account?i can easily transfer maybe 1k a month to another account but the cash would be transferred in my name, would cpo want to see outgoings from my current account?

  5. #5
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Basically ... YES

    There is no obligation to declare all of your accounts ... so use whichever is the more
    appropriate for your specific purpose.

    Also, you mentioned that u are self-employed ...... so can't you just deposit your cheques
    into the most relevant account ?
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well its not going to help, as the sponsor you're suppose to have enough money to support her, so she will not need recourse to public funds

    i take it this payment shows up on your bank statements, what does it say on the bank statement? does it mention loan etc? how much is your monthly payment ?

    i don't remember on the visa app form asking you how much in debt you are, so depending on the amount being paid ??? i might not even mention it, but if its a lot, they might question what the payment is for
    thankyou both for your help...i hav several different bank accounts,can i hide that re-payment account and show only 6 months bank statements from another account?i can easily transfer maybe 1k a month to another account but the cash would be transferred in my name, would cpo want to see outgoings from my current account?

  7. #7
    Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tycon View Post
    thankyou both for your help...i hav several different bank accounts,can i hide that re-payment account and show only 6 months bank statements from another account?i can easily transfer maybe 1k a month to another account but the cash would be transferred in my name, would cpo want to see outgoings from my current account?
    That is never going to work. If you really need to you can make your account look healthier than it is, but if you go too far the ECO will know you are trying to deceive him.

    The first thing is you need to show a real income not just moving your own money around. Secondly you need to show outgoings - ECO is never going to believe you have none.

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