No, you just go and to the registry office together in the normal way and make an appointment to get married. They will be able to check through records that you are free to marry but your fiancee will need her cenomar from the Philippines and probably her birth certificate as well.
If she is called for an interview, which is quite rare these days, I believe that you can attend and wait outside, but they don't have to see you, it's up to the ECO (Entry Clearance Officer) who is interviewing her whether he wants to talk to you or not.
There is usually only one appointment and it's not actually with the British Embassy. It's with VFS Global which is the agency that accepts all of the applications (and fees), checks that everything is complete and in order, then passes them on the British Embassy. If she is required to attend an interview, this would probably be a few weeks later, once they had looked at her application.
She would have to make an appointment to submit a settlement visa (spouse) after firstly filling in an online application form, printing it off and then paying the visa application fee into one of the British Embassy's designated banks. Because the application must be lodged within a certain time of the application fee being paid into the designated bank, I don't think you could arrange this several months beforehand.
The CFO is the Commision on Filipinos Overseas and this is a Philippines govenment requirement. Any Filipino who is emigrating as a fiancee or a wife must attend this. She can take it while she's waiting for her visa or after she gets it. .
I think this is the latest version, but should I be wrong, I'm sure other members on here will correct me.