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Thread: Fiancee Visa Questions

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  1. #1
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark99 View Post
    1. If I marry my fiancee in the UK then do I still need to get a "certificate of no-impediment" in the UK first?
    No, you just go and to the registry office together in the normal way and make an appointment to get married. They will be able to check through records that you are free to marry but your fiancee will need her cenomar from the Philippines and probably her birth certificate as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by mark99 View Post
    2. Would I be able to attend with my fiancee for any interviews or meetings she needs to make at the UK Embassy in Manila and does it help her chances if I'm there?
    If she is called for an interview, which is quite rare these days, I believe that you can attend and wait outside, but they don't have to see you, it's up to the ECO (Entry Clearance Officer) who is interviewing her whether he wants to talk to you or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by mark99 View Post
    3. Does the first appointment at the embassy only involve handing in the documents (i.e. how long do you normally have to wait until my fiancee is called for an interview, assuming they feel she needs one).
    There is usually only one appointment and it's not actually with the British Embassy. It's with VFS Global which is the agency that accepts all of the applications (and fees), checks that everything is complete and in order, then passes them on the British Embassy. If she is required to attend an interview, this would probably be a few weeks later, once they had looked at her application.

    Quote Originally Posted by mark99 View Post
    4. Also, what kind of appointment should she ask to make and can you make it several months ahead of time (I think it's possible to book these online too?)?
    She would have to make an appointment to submit a settlement visa (spouse) after firstly filling in an online application form, printing it off and then paying the visa application fee into one of the British Embassy's designated banks. Because the application must be lodged within a certain time of the application fee being paid into the designated bank, I don't think you could arrange this several months beforehand.

    Quote Originally Posted by mark99 View Post
    5. I've heard some people talk about a CFO, can somebody explain more about what this is and at what point she must take/attend it?
    The CFO is the Commision on Filipinos Overseas and this is a Philippines govenment requirement. Any Filipino who is emigrating as a fiancee or a wife must attend this. She can take it while she's waiting for her visa or after she gets it. .

    Quote Originally Posted by mark99 View Post
    6. In terms of the Fiancee Settlement Visa application, a lot of old topics link to the VAF2 .PDF from 2006 but this is now out of date. I am having trouble picking which is now the correct one. I think this VAF4a is the closest?
    I think this is the latest version, but should I be wrong, I'm sure other members on here will correct me.


  2. #2
    Respected Member MarBell379's Avatar
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    Iain's response seems to cover most of the bases here.

    If you can get a Cenomar from Philippines that would cover it. I was never asked for one and didnt need one. You WILL need the original Decree absolute both for the Visa application and registry office in the UK.

    The 'interviews' at the moment seem to mainly consist of gathering biometric data and making sure paperwork is in order (generally messing up already ordered paperwork IMHO)

    The Visa appointments are booked shortly before they take place. I guess you can try and book befor you head to Phils. In my case my fiancee went on her own and booked it the day (possibly 2, I cant recall for certain) before she went.

    Iain's right about the CFO, but if she takes the seminar before being granted a Visa she will have to go back as they won't issue the slip without a Visa already in he passport.

    NB - My fiancee applied for Fiancee Visa in August, granted 5 weeks later and she's been in the UK since October 2. We're getting married on Saturday 16th January

    Good luck with everything!
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  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarBell379 View Post
    NB - My fiancee applied for Fiancee Visa in August, granted 5 weeks later and she's been in the UK since October 2. We're getting married on Saturday 16th January
    Good Luck on YOUR forthcoming nuptials, Martin ...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    She would have to make an appointment to submit a settlement visa (spouse) after firstly filling in an online application form, printing it off and then paying the visa application fee into one of the British Embassy's designated banks. Because the application must be lodged within a certain time of the application fee being paid into the designated bank, I don't think you could arrange this several months beforehand.
    Regarding the online application form, do you mean the vaf4a or something different? I can see on the VFS site the ability to make an online "appointment" but nothing for an online visa "application" form? Is there a downloadable version of the application form and which is it?

    Or is it just the case that the online appointment form will end with an option to print off something she can take to the bank for paying her visa fees and before bringing the VAF4 and all other documents/evidence in on the agreed date?

    Sorry to ask all this, just trying to make sure I have a full grasp lol.

  5. #5
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    Ok just seen that you can't make an "appointment" until 1 day after the visa fee has been paid, so now I'm not sure which "application" she needs to bring with her to the bank? It confuses me because the VFS site at first has the bit about paying your visa fee AFTER the bit about making an appointment, it's only on another page that it says you have to make an appointment first . I'm I'm lost

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