I have read quite a few times here that there were some members who were able to register in NHS even under a fiancee visa. Well, needless to say, I tried.

We went to the Newton Heath Health center yesterday to register me. They were polite... gave us the registration forms and have told Simon that he needs to register there too so that I can get registered as well (he is currently registered in Chadderton where he previously lived and didn't bother changing doctors). And so he did... but he didn't bring an ID and a billing statement (they required these as part of the registration process) so we told the receptionist that we'll come back the next day for the documents.

We then went to the post office to have my US dollars changed to pounds. I was the one who talked to the guy on the window and he said: Did you get the dollars from here?.. I said: No... he said: well, in that case I can't change it for you. We only change the dollars that were bought from here... hmmm... is that strange or is that how things really work here? So anyway, off we go and went home... by the way, the bank here also told me that they don't change currencies...

The next day, we went back to the health center to submit the registration forms...

Receptionist said: thank you sir but we can only regiter you andnot your gf. My bf said: why?
Receptionist: well, she needs to submit proof that she lives with you.
BF: Like what?
Receptionist: A proof of billing perhaps?
BF: Well, all my bills are under my name... she just got here...
Receptionist: well, you need to give us proof that she lives with you

I find it funny though... you think? Bf think it's so stupid.... I'm it sure though if it's a national requirement or just unique to Manchester?

So, we were unsuccessful. We plan to have one of his bills change to my name... add my name into his Halifax account too just in case.... but I hope they will not question why I am not using my fiance's surname... they might point that out you see...

We wentback to the post office and this time, it's Simon who went in to try having my dollars changed. Well... he was unsuccessful too... the man in the post office asked if he got the dollars from there... my bf said, yes.. and the guy asked, do you have the receipt... bf said, no.. i don't have it anymore.. then the guy said, oh ok. I can't change your money then.. go to a travel agent...

Oh boy... there's no travel agency nearby...

I then miss the money changers in the Philippines...