Folks ... as many of you will already know, Myrna obtained a Multiple Entry Schengen Visa in November. And, finally, after literally months of "dithering about"[on MY part] she and I visited a local travel agency last Thursday afternoon. Consequently, I am delighted
to "formally" announce that we have arranged to visit the European 'Capital of Love' by Eurostar ... meaning she'll experience at first hand (something which a surprising number of BRITONS HAVEN'T!) the dubious "excitement" offered by a rail journey 'neath the waters of the English Channel ... via the 'Chunnel'.
Of course, en route, we shall first have to travel to *London. But that "small diversion" is, in itself, something else for Myrna to look forward to, since she'll be able to take in at least some of the premier sights for which *this city is famous.
With all that in mind, we plan to leave home on Wednesday March 3rd, fix-up overnight accommodation, and spend the following day sightseeing - courtesy of London Underground 'Rover Tickets' (or similar) - prior to embarking on our MAIN trip ... from St Pancras ... on the 5th.
So ... cameras at the ready (hopefully the snow will have disappeared by then!) ... we intend to make the most of this very special occasion before returning to [a milder] Perth on the 9th.