you must demonstrate a good knowledge of language and life in the UK before you apply for settlement. Most applicants will need to do this by:
■passing the 'Life in the UK' test, if they speak English to a reasonable standard; or
■taking and passing a course in English and citizenship, if they do not speak English.
If you do not know the level of your English skills, you should work through the tutorial on the Life in the UK test website. If you cannot fully understand the information in that tutorial, you may need to take an ESOL course containing citizenship materials.
ESOL courses
If English is not your main language, you can take a course in English for speakers of other languages (ESOL).
In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, you can study ESOL at the three entry levels:
■ESOL Entry 1 (lowest)
■ESOL Entry 2
■ESOL Entry 3 (highest)
In Scotland, you can study ESOL at the following three levels:
■Access 2
■Access 3
■Intermediate 1
If you are an English speaker - the Life in the UK test
If your English skills are at or above ESOL Entry 3 level or Scottish Intermediate 1 level, you will need to pass the Life in the UK test before you apply for settlement. This test consists of 24 multiple-choice questions, based on the information in the handbook 'Life in the UK: A Journey to Citizenship' (ISBN: 9780113413133).
If you are unsure about whether you need to take the test, you can contact the Immigration Enquiry Bureau on 0870 606 7766. (