I completely understand your situation Maria and I think its good that you helped your mum.
In a normal situation I cant say I understand how someone can expect a person to go to work for up to 60hrs per week and have little or no time to themselves and then send THEM money for holidays or something. A phone or nice shoes blah blah blah.
For me having a young child and step-son they are my priority as they cant earn a wage so I need to provide for them.
I know my wifes family and they wouldnt want to take food from my childs mouth or clothes from their back just so they could have a holiday or such.
I know some families in Phil see having a white man in the family makes their eyes light up with £££, sorry I mean $$$$.
I know that from my first experience in Phil with a money grabber and her lying family. I still have debts from that time cos of their constant demands and lies.
I should have said "go get a job and work like I do then you can have what you want" but you get " its so difficult here blah blah blah"
What? difficult to get of ya backside and do an honest days work instead of getting someone else to do it for you?
Thats more like it.....