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Thread: Issue of sending money to family in pinas

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    yes, its me who gets annoyed, sometimes i think that instead of getting that handbag, or buying yet another pair of boots i could have sent that money for my mums meds. i am just so lucky that my husband understands and loves me and my family. for the 10 years that we have been together i have not heard him moan about him helping me and my family.
    in one way i'm lucky my misses is not into collecting handbags,shoes etc (thank god ), she would rather send the money to her aunt and cousin, which i can understand, her aunt gave up her job to look after our daughter for many years, and because of her age and physical difficulties she would have problems finding a job, also we help her cousin, who is like a brother to my misses, we have nearly got him thru a nursing degree, why ? , he's got no one to help him, no parents and what family he has don't give a

    those who don't 'have' to give are lucky, who who can afford and want to give are lucky, those who think it's their duty to help , for doing what you can

    of course you can be abused, but no one is living a life of luxury on what we send , and if it was my aunt and cousin i would do the same, they are grateful for the help we give, and never ask for more, unless it is a real emergency

    and respect to your hubby , I've moaned at my misses a few times but i know she is right

  2. #2
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    in one way i'm lucky my misses is not into collecting handbags,shoes etc (thank god ), she would rather send the money to her aunt and cousin, which i can understand, her aunt gave up her job to look after our daughter for many years, and because of her age and physical difficulties she would have problems finding a job, also we help her cousin, who is like a brother to my misses, we have nearly got him thru a nursing degree, why ? , he's got no one to help him, no parents and what family he has don't give a

    those who don't 'have' to give are lucky, who who can afford and want to give are lucky, those who think it's their duty to help , for doing what you can

    of course you can be abused, but no one is living a life of luxury on what we send , and if it was my aunt and cousin i would do the same, they are grateful for the help we give, and never ask for more, unless it is a real emergency

    and respect to your hubby , I've moaned at my misses a few times but i know she is right
    i have great respect for men like you who understands, talking to my pinay friends most husbands would help but not all the time.
    sometimes i think that my husbands blessings also comes from the fact that he gives without hesitation. i can remember when my dad was fighting cancer if my husband didnt help he would have died earlier :-(.
    i cannot understand why my husband does all this things for me, sometimes i can be a bit mean to him :-(. i know in my heart that he loves me without reservations but 80%of the time i am a bitch to him
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

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